Strange antique photos that show how little we know about the world

Today’s technological advances along with the collection of information and antique relics provided by historians over the years have allowed us to get a scoop into the past and have a somewhat accurate idea of how society was living 100 years ago.

However, even with all this access there still numerous strange and amazing things documented that we might not even know about! these are some of the strangest, unique, and even heartbreaking photos from all around the world

1. In 1919, the temperance movement secured ratification of the 18th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which prohibited the manufacture, sale, and transportation of alcoholic beverages. Bottles and barrels of whiskey and beer were destroyed in 1923-1924.

2. In 1900, acetylene was first used in welding torches, it is a gas capable of reaching 3000º. It not only has the capacity to burn incredibly fast but it burns also with great power which was perfect for melting metals. This is how a welding helmet used to look back in 1941.

3. On January 30, 1948, Mohahandas Karanchaans Gandhi was on his way to a square near his home in New Delhi where about 500 people were waiting for him to say a community prayer. A man approached him with his hands together as a sign of prayer. When he was in front of him, he shot three bullets into his chest. This photo shows all of his belongings.

4. The Great Sphinx of Giza is one of the most extraordinary monuments in all of Egypt. The ancient Egyptians built the Great Sphinx of Giza, believed to be around 2500 BC. It was built using rock extracted from the same Giza plain and probably dates back to the reign of Chephren (around 2520-2494 BC), in the heart of the ancient Egyptian Empire. The photo shows the excavation of the Sphinx when it was discovered in 1850.

5. The Cyclomer was a human-powered vehicle capable of operation on both land and water. Using 4 rectangular air-filled floats for buoyancy, propelled with two fan blades which have been attached to the spokes, this bike is or was supposed to help people cross the water a quite innovative project for 1930s.

6. Hitler Youth was an organization that trained young men preparing them for war, recruiting around 8.8 million members, however, numbers decreased drastically little over one million once the war began. The photo shows an injured young soldier in Germany in the trenches during World War II in 1945.

7. The Belgian geologist André Dumont discovered coal in the Campine basin in 1900. The Belgian Province Limburg, encouraged entrepreneurs from Liège to open coal mines, mainly producing coal for the steel industry. The photo shows around 18 men (possibly more), all coal miners huddled in an elevator after a long day’s work at a coal mine.

8. The so-called Mammoth camera, the largest camera in the world. It was built in the United States in the year 1900 and weighed approximately 450 kilos. The size of the glass plates was 130 x 240 cm.

9. A mother embraces her newborn baby after giving birth in 1941. The mother must wear her civilian respirator mask, while she tries to protect her baby by encasing him in a baby gas helmet, which buckles up around the baby’s bottom. The bellows on her baby’s gas mask are pumped by the mother to provide the baby with air.

10. In 1910 this hydrogalvanic therapy became famous for rehabilitating and stimulating atrophied muscles. Its inventor was the German doctor Paul Schnee. Nowadays people still get hydrogalvanic therapy or «galvanic baths» although it is done with a more scientific method with oppositely charged metal plates and spa-like environments.

11. After an investment of $17 million, Walt Disney finally achieved his dream on July 17, 1955, and created a world where his characters and settings would come to life and this is how the Disney Employee canteen looked back in 1961.

12. In the 19th century, Zhan Shichai became a very famous giant who traveled all around Europe, the United States, and Australia with his stage name «Chang, the Chinese giant». Born in Fuzhou, Fujian Province in the 1840s his height was claimed to be over 8 feet.

13. The first known photograph of an obscene gesture happened on Opening Day, 1886 when the baseball player Charles Radbourn gives the photographer the middle finger. What could the man have said to upset him so much?

14. During the Second World War, the future Queen of England, Elizabeth II, served in the territorial women’s auxiliary service as a mechanic and ambulance driver. In this photo, she is holding a watch in her hands, a gift from her colleagues.

15. This photograph shows Nikola Tesla sitting in his lab in Colorado Springs next to a fully functioning Tesla coil. The photograph was taken by Dickenson V. Alley using a multi-exposure technique.

16. This is how jobhunting looked like in the 1930s during the Great Depression. Millions of people were out of work across the United States, this is a photo of a man unable to find a job locally. Not only this man, but many had to travel from place to place, hoping to find some work.

17. In 1967 Sweden initiated a driving change, switching driving on the left to the right side of the road. This photo shows the first morning when people attempted to drive on the right side of the road.

18. Frenchman Edouard de Laboulaye proposed the idea of a monument for the United States for the first time back in 1865. after ten years, the sculptor Frederic Auguste Bartholdi was assigned to this project. This is The Statue of Liberty under construction in a workshop in Paris 1884.

Have you seen any of these photos before?

The scary and bizarre folk tale that inspired the movie «Coraline»

The true story of Coraline Jones

«She looks like your mother. She looks like your mother. Except she has big black buttons for eyes. Or she has glass eyes that glow in the dark.»

Coraline and the secret door film

This unique and somewhat spooky film tells the story of a young girl, Coraline Jones, who while exploring finds an unusual magical brick door in her family’s new home. The curious thing about this door is that it’s not bricked up when Coraline opens it, and through the door, she finds another World, almost exactly like her own world.

In this «Other World» Coraline finds her Other Mother, who has buttons instead of normal eyes. This Other Mother is more fun than Coraline’s’ real mother, at least at first… but then it becomes clear that she wants Coraline to stay with her forever and sew buttons on her eyes, just like her.

No need for more spoilers, in case you haven’t watched the movie, but suffice it to say that Coraline is a brilliant and scary story for children and adults (although, according to English author of short fiction Neil Gaiman, adults tend to find it more disturbing). But Gaiman is far from the first to realize that fake mothers have the potential to be monstrous.

The True Story of Coraline Jones

This Other Mom character was partly inspired by a strange and bizarre story by Victorian author Lucy Clifford called «The New Mom»

Clifford’s story has been retold in folklore collections such as «The Pear Drum», and Alvin Schwartz changed it to «The Drum» in his book «Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark». So the tale has been around for quite some time and this is how the real story of Coraline goes…

There are two sisters in this story, they’re called Blue-Eyes and Turkey. One day, the sisters meet a strange girl with an unusual instrument, which she calls a «pearl» and says there are a tiny man and tiny woman inside. Whenever she plays the pearl, they come out and dance, and the woman tells a secret.

The sisters want to see the little people dance, but the girl says she only shows them the naughty children. «Yes, to the naughty children, and the worse the children are, the better the man and woman dance,» said the girl.

She carefully placed the pearl under her mantle and prepared to go on her way. Then, Blue-Eyes and Turkey go home to their mother and little brother, and they start crying because they want to see those little people, but they don’t know how to be naughty.

When their mother hears they are planning to be naughty, she has a rather… strange response. «Then…» said the mother sadly, and as she spoke, her eyes filled with tears, and a sobbing nearly drowned her out «Then, I should go, leave them and send home a new mother, with glass eyes.

The sisters were scared, but they were sure their mother was lying, so they go out looking for the strange girl and her pearl again. The girl confirms to them that there is no such thing as a mother with glass eyes because «they would be too expensive to make.»

So Blue Eyes and Turkey decide to be naughty. They come home, break all their cups, and throw their bread and butter on the floor. Their mother is distressed and sends them to bed, but when they return to the strange girl the next day, she tells them they were not naughty enough.

Naturally, the girls continue throwing tantrums and making a mess, until the sisters are so extremely naughty that their mother says she’s going off the deep end, and even in some versions of the story, the girls beat up their little brother.

The sisters run after their mother, begging her to stay, but she runs off into the fields and disappears. They then return to the girl with the pearl for the last time… and surprisingly the girl assures them that they have not yet been naughty enough and that the little people have gone away.

«The little man and the woman are far away. Look, his box is empty,» said the girl. And then, for the first time, the girls saw that the lid of the box was up and hanging back and that there was no little boy in it.

The girl with the pearl eventually leaves too, leaving Blue Eyes and Turkey alone in their empty house. They wait and wait, but their mother never returns and one day unexpectedly they hear a loud knock at the door.

Filled with fear and trembling, Blue-Eyes leaned against the door while Turkey went to the window. Pressing her face against one side of the frame, she looked out. She could only see a black hat and a long, bony arm carrying a black leather bag.

A strange bright light could be seen shining under the door, Turkey’s heart sank and her cheeks turned pale, for she knew that it was the gleam of two glass eyes…

Turkey slowly crawled all the way to Blue-Eyes. «It is, it is, it is!» she whispered, her voice trembling with fear, «it’s the new mother! She’s come and brought her luggage in a black leather bag hanging from her arm!»

«Oh what shall we do?» cried Blue-Eyes, and again there were the terrible blows. «Come and put your back against the door too, Turkey,» cried Blue-Eyes «I’m afraid it’ll break.

At last, the sisters escaped into the forest where they decided to live, forever. Every now and then, when darkness has fallen and the night is quiet, Blue-Eyes and Turkey sneak up to the home where they were once so happy, and with beating hearts they look and listen; a blinding flash comes through the window, and they know that it is the light from the new mother’s glass eyes.

Although in this tale of Coraline’s true story, the girls are trapped with the new mother forever; the good news is that, in the film, Coraline Jones manages to return home, and reunite with her real mother.

What do you think about «The New Mom» creepy story?

Las 10 películas más esperadas de terror que llegaran para este 2021

Tras la pandemia, el año pasado parecía que el cine de terror había parado por completo, sin embargo, este 2021 tenemos excelentes noticias para todos los amantes del género pues las producciones se han reactivado y por fin se harán los estrenos de muchas películas que habíamos estado esperando.

Aquí te compartimos una lista de algunas películas con fechas de estrenos que saldrán a la luz muy pronto…

Antlers: Criatura oscura

Otra película de Guillermo del Toro que nos tuvo en ascuas esperando su fecha de estreno.

Una profesora se percata de la extraña conducta de uno de sus solitarios alumnos, con la ayuda de su hermano (el sheriff de la localidad) deciden investigarlo, pero a medida de que lo van conociendo pronto descubrirán que el joven esconde un oscuro secreto.

Fecha de estreno: 19 de febrero del 2021


Una de las película más esperadas por toda la audiencia, ya que además de contar con buen elenco también viene acompañada de excelentes críticas y un premio en la pasada edición del Festival de Sitges.

La película muestra a tres generaciones (abuela, madre e hija) quienes viven encerradas debido a que la abuela padece una extraña enfermedad neurodegenerativa. Cuando la Matriarca desaparece inexplicablemente las preguntas comienzan a surgir, pero también la posibilidad de que un ente maligno este de por medio.

Fecha de estreno: 4 de marzo del 2021


Es sin duda una de las películas más esperadas por todos los fanáticos de Spiderman, pues el famoso villano de los cómics finalmente tendrá su propia película, además pinta para ser algo aterradora. Jared Leto interpreta el personaje de Morbius, un doctor que tras sufrir una enfermedad en la sangre intenta curarse con experimentos, sin embargo, algo falla en sus pruebas que termina por convertirse en un terrorífico vampiro.

Fecha de estreno: 19 de marzo del 2021

Un lugar tranquilo 2

La primera entrega dejó a muchos de los fans con ganas de querer ver más pero para suerte de todos, la secuela ya se encuentra a la vuelta de la esquina…

Unos monstruosos seres atormentan la tierra acabando con todo aquel que se atreva hacer tan solo una pizca de ruido. El mundo sigue igual, sin embargo, la familia Abbot ahora sabe la clave para acabar con estos escalofriantes seres y emprenderán un viaje peligroso que podría costarles la vida.

Fecha de estreno: 23 de abril del 2021

Last mighty in Soho

Dirigida por el director británico Edgar Wright, promete que esta cinta será una de las grandes del cine de terror. Esta película es una de las más esperadas y no solo por su gran elenco (Anya Taylor-Joy y Matt Smith), sino porque también el director nunca decepciona.

Una joven viaja en el tiempo y llega a lo que fue Londres en el año de 1960. Para su suerte ella se encuentra con su gran ídolo, una cantante de aquellos años, sin embargo, pronto descubrirá que la vida en esa época no es lo que realmente esperaba.

Fecha de estreno: 23 de abril del 2021

Spiral: Saw

¡El regreso de Saw!, así es, para quienes no lo sabían Saw vuelve a la pantalla, pero no con la historia que ya conocemos sino con algo muy diferente a lo que estábamos acostumbrados, pues Darren Lynn Bousman ha decidido hacer cambios a la franquicia y con “Spiral” volver desde el principio… Entonces, ¿Que nos espera en esta película?, aún no lo sabemos, solo nos queda esperar emocionados el día de su estreno.

Fecha de estreno: 20 de mayo del 2021

Expediente Warren: Obligado por el demonio

Las campanas de felicidad suenan en mis oídos porque este año está por llegar la siguiente película de “El Conjuro”. El matrimonio Warren (Patrick Wilson y Vera Farmiga) regresa en acción para investigar el siguiente caso que en vida real dejó a muchos helados….

Un hombre es acusado de terminar con la vida de una persona. Sin embargo, su extraño comportamiento alerta a los Warren, quienes están seguros que el sujeto está poseído por un ser maligno.

Fecha de estreno: 4 de junio.


Viene en camino la secuela de la clásica película de terror (1992) que todos hemos estado esperando, Candyman, el hombre sobrenatural con la mano de garfio, el que se aparece con tan solo repetir su nombre frente al espejo y acaba con la vida de sus víctimas.

La leyenda ha perdurado por años en el vecindario de Chicago, y aunque todo fluye tranquilo nadie se imagina que el individuo ha regresado, justo donde todo comenzó.

Fecha de estreno: 27 de Agosto del 2021

Jeepers Creepers 4: Reborn

Para todos los fanáticos del monstruoso ser endemoniado “Creeper”, regresa la cuarta entrega con una versión distinta a las demás, pues Screen Media se quedó con los derechos de distribución de la franquicia prometiendo que Jeepers Creepers: Reborn, nos dará una dosis de terror que no será fácil de olvidar.

La joven Laine, empieza a tener premoniciones sin explicación e imágenes perturbadoras relacionadas con la criatura mitológica. Asiste a un festival de horror donde comienzan las misteriosas desapariciones, pero Laine sabe qué hay algo más oscuro detrás de todo esto.

Fecha de estreno: Octubre 2021.


Definitivamente, Michael Myers tenía que salir en esta lista. Otra película que nos ha dejado con la incertidumbre por el retraso del estreno. Sin embargo, hay buenas noticas porque este año regresa el icono del terror en la pantalla.

Básicamente es la continuación de la película estrenada en el 2018, donde Laurie Strode volverá a enfrentarse a Michael Myers, su viejo enemigo que la atormentó desde hace 4 décadas atrás.

Fecha de estreno: Octubre 2021.

¿Y tú cual es la película de terror que estas esperando?

Se ha confirmado el regreso de Jeepers Creepers 4 ¡Se estrena en octubre!

Buenas noticias nos han llegado para todos los amantes del terror y para todos los fanáticos de la criatura endemoniada, pues se ha confirmado el regreso de Jeepers Creepers a la pantalla para octubre de este año.

La bestia mitológica de Jeepers Creepers se ha ganado su lugar en el mundo del horror, gracias a sus dos primeras entregas que a pesar de haber sido de bajo presupuesto fueron un éxito y consiguieron recaudar fondos para seguir adelante con el proyecto.

Aunque el lanzamiento de Jeepers Creepers 3 (2017) defraudó a muchos de sus seguidores, esto llevó a que Screen Media se quedara con los derechos de distribución para hacer cambios y reimplantar la forma de lo que era la franquicia.

Sin embargo, la cuarta entrega ya se encuentra a la vuelta de la esquina pues para sorpresa de muchos “Jeepers Creepers; Reborn” terminó sus grabaciones en Los Ángeles entre noviembre y diciembre del año pasado por lo que ya se encuentra en las primeras fases de postproducción.

En una exclusiva para Variety, Screen Media confirmó que la nueva cinta dará un giro más aterrador de lo que hemos visto con anterioridad, pues su misión desde el principio es atraer nuevamente a toda la audiencia que se perdió con la tercera entrega.

“Aunque estamos muy emocionados, sabemos que los fans lo estarán aún más por volver al mundo del Creeper. Ahora con una versión mucho más aterrorizadora del director Timo Vuorensola, una elección perfecta para el reinicio de la franquicia”.

Aún no se sabe cual es el elenco de actores, ni siquiera se han compartido imágenes del set de grabación que nos muestre alguna idea de lo que será el nuevo entorno de la franquicia, sin embargo Screen Media afirma que Jeepers Creepers será una película que deje a los fanáticos con la boca abierta…

También nos comparte un pequeño resumen de la sinopsis…

“La película tiene lugar al mismo tiempo que el festival Horror Hound tiene su primera edición en Luisiana. Allí atrae a cientos de geeks, frikis y grandes fans del horror de todas partes.

Entre estos está Chase y su novia Laine, quien es obligada a unirse al viaje. Pero a medida que el evento se acerca, Laine empieza a experimentar premoniciones sin explicación e imágenes perturbadoras relacionadas con el pasado de la ciudad. En particular con una leyenda local/mito urbano, el Creeper.

El festival empieza y el entretenimiento lleno de líquidos sanguíneos hace que aumente el frenesí, pero Laine cree que algo que no es de la Tierra está siendo invocado… y ella es el centro de todo”.

No se sabe el día exacto del estreno, pero lo que sí es un hecho es que la película saldrá para octubre de este mismo año, justo a tiempo para Halloween…

Los casos de fenómenos paranormales han incrementado durante el encierro de cuarentena

Según el parapsicólogo y especialista en Ciencias Ocultas y Paranormales Alejandro Morgan, asegura que en tiempos de encierro debido a la contingencia, se han incrementaron los números de casos donde las familias piden ayuda desesperadamente por experimentar sucesos paranormales dentro de sus hogares…

El experto acudió a una entrevista para el programa “No Tan Millennials”, donde habla sobre la existencia de los fenómenos paranormales y comparte que durante la cuarentena muchas personas realizaron trabajos de magia negra, además de rituales e invocaciones espirituales para que las malas energías atormenten la casa de sus enemigos.

Explicó que muchas de las situaciones comenzaron a presentarse a partir de que algunas familias recibieron extraños objetos en la entrada de sus domicilios por lo que advierte tener cuidado de recogerlos…

También aclara que muchos son propensos a ser atacados con mayor intensidad debido a la vulnerabilidad en el que se encuentran; depresión, sensibilidad, estrés, enojo, etc. Mientras que otro número son personas naturalmente cargadas y fuera de su eje.

El especialista dice que es difícil averiguar cuando la persona tiene un daño espiritual o un problema de armonización en sus chacras, sin embargo, comparte algunas señales que la gente puede identificar si ese es el caso…

“Si alguien no logra conciliar el sueño entre las 2 y las 4 de la mañana durante varios días y tiene mucha pesadez en la zona de sus hombros y cervicales, eso es un daño espiritual”, aclara Morgan.

Para saber con exactitud si una persona es atacada espiritualmente, el experto indicó acudir con especialistas que trabajen con mancias, es decir, cualquier objeto de comunicación espiritual o personas con el don de descubrir las vibraciones del lugar o la persona afectada. Esto les permite saber si el individuo sufre de un daño espiritual o si se trata de un espíritu absorbiendo la energía del mismo.

Alejandro Morgan, nos explica que los sucesos paranormales se generan cuando se presenta un desequilibro entre el mundo espiritual y el terrenal. De esa manera puede perjudicarnos, ya que somos más propensos a recibir un trabajo negativo o incluso, tener la visita de una energía que perjudique nuestro biorritmo.

“Las personas que no creen, en el fondo saben que esto existe y tienen miedo a creer… El no creer te aleja de Dios, y uno está más predispuesto a recibir trabajos espirituales”, dijo Morgan.

“La magia negra está aplicada al amor, la salud y al trabajo. Cualquiera de esos tres pilares al ser humano lo desequilibran”.

¿Sufres alguna de estas señales? Si es así lo mejor sería buscar a un experto, no querrás que alguna entidad o energía negativa afecte tu vida…

4 tumbas de “casita de muñecas” que los padres construyeron para sus hijas fallecidas

Estos tumbas son tan tristes como dulces. Estas casas de muñecas fueron construidas por padres afligidos para sus amadas hijas que se adelantaron al más allá…

Dorothy Marie Harvey (1926-1931)

Dorothy Marie Harvey y su familia pasaban por Tennessee, en su camino hacia el Norte para buscar trabajo. Cuando Dorothy consiguió el sarampión y partió a muy corta edad, la gente del pueblo ayudó a su familia a enterrarla en el cementerio de Hope Hill.

Sus padres la dejaron atrás por falta de recursos económicos y siguieron adelante.

Las leyendas locales dicen que a veces puedes ver a Dorothy jugando con sus juguetes cuando miras por las ventanas de su casa de muñecas.

Vivian Mae Allison (1894-1899)

La casa de muñecas de Vivian Mae Allison está ubicada en el cementerio de la ciudad de Connersville en Indiana.

Su historia es muy triste pues el padre de Vivian que apenas tenía 6 años, le estaba construyendo una casa de muñecas para Navidad, sin embargo, la niña perdió la vida poco antes, por lo que él ya no pudo regalársela cuando estaba viva, sino fallecida.


El padre decidió colocar la casa sobre su tumba, y la decoró como si fuera una recamara muy linda, le puso una camita, mesita para tomar el té y una muñeca de tamaño humano.

Lova Cline (1902-1908)

El monumento de la casa de muñecas de Lova Cline se encuentra en el cementerio de Arlington East Hill en Arlington, Indiana.

El tiempo de la niña en la tierra fue muy breve, pero en sus pocos años ella fue adorada por sus padres y muy apreciada por la sociedad.


Cuando sus padres fallecieron, los habitantes del pueblo, trasladaron a la pequeña junto a su casa de muñecas, a donde habían enterrado a sus padres, para que los tres estuvieran juntos. Lamentablemente la tumba fue profanada y le robaron muchas de sus pertenencias.

Se cuenta que apariciones fantasmales suceden dentro y fuera de la casita de muñecas, muchos son los rumores de que el espíritu de una niña se manifiesta.

Nadine Earles (1929-1933)

La tumba de Nadine Earles se encuentra en el cementerio de Oakwood en Lanett, Alabama.

La historia cuenta que Nadine quería una casa de muñecas para Navidad, sin embargo, ella falleció justo antes de las vacaciones, sus padres le construyeron una casa de muñecas en su tumba y la llenaron con sus juguetes y objetos personales.


Nadine era tan amada y tan extrañada, que incluso le organizaron una fiesta de cumpleaños en su tumba, acompañada de sus padres y sus amiguitos.

También le decoraron de manera hermosa su casita para Navidad, una fecha que le llenaba de ilusión.

En lo personal, puede resultarme un poco espeluznante una casa de muñecas en un cementerio, pero pienso que las niñas tuvieron mucha suerte de tenerlas, pues sus padres las siguieron consintiendo mucho incluso después de su muerte…

The 7 Scariest Video Games Out There

If you like horror games, you might want to try the following ones…

If there’s something in video games that no other medium is capable of making us feel, it’s immersion. The feeling of not being a spectator, but a protagonist. That’s the key which creators have been working on,  to make us shake and fear while playing their video games. And by playing the following 7, we will put ourselves in the shoes of reporters, mentally ill and unfortunate security guards.

Of course, there are many more games that are full of terror but these are the ones that due to the game mechanics, they become so startling.

Mystery and horror video games


The game starts with a reporter who visits a kind of madhouse which is nothing out of the ordinary, except that the place seems to have been through something, since there’s no one around. You obviously become the reporter while playing, so you will try to enter and once you make it, you’ll realize that all the mentally ill are everywhere and ready to harm you. Your only weapon will be the camera which will help you to see through the dark. However, you are in need of new batteries, so you must decide when to use your camera and trust your instinct.

Amnesia: The Dark Descent

As the name implies, you will become an amnesiac who wakes up on an island and must try to survive until you find and enter into a castle. But that’s where everything turns bad. The enemies are invincible and will appear when you least expect it and the only thing you can do is running away. This becomes really stressful and chilling since you are in a dungeon full of narrow corridors and little by little, you will start remembering the shocking events that led you to the beginning of your adventure.

Fatal Frame 2: Crimson Butterfly

Something that allows us to feel somehow safe in this type of video games, is the possibility of seeing our enemies or guessing where they might appear from. However, Fatal Frame 2 takes away that from us. The enemies in this game are ghosts so you cannot see or touch them, but they can hurt you. Your only weapon against them is a camera that will help you to see them through and attack them at the same time while using the flash camera. Obviously, the biggest scares will come out when you take pictures while looking for them and they appear right in front of you.

Silent Hill 2

This one has become a total classic and one of the most important games in the genre. People at Silent Hill will be the main characters, hiding their enemies through fog and twisting the minds of all who reach their dark streets. The most terrifying thing of all is, you don’t fight against other people, but with creatures that were made from the depths of yourself.

Five Nights of Freddy’s

It may be not the best horror video game out there, but surely knows how to get you scare. You turn yourself into security guard at a place full of with animatronics. There shouldn’t be any problem but you got a night shift and the animatronics are actually haunted. You must keep an eye on the security cameras which they only can be seen one at a time and try to be faster than the animatronics in order to catch and stop them before they reach the office.

Until Dawn

During the 1980s, the horror genre had a major turn by making stories about young rebels that went on trips and what should have been a fun getaway, would end up being terror and death. This is what Until Dawn tries to achieve, when 8 young people went to some huts to hang out until they realized they were being chased by murderers and scary creatures. You get full control of all the characters and whether they live or lose their lives will be up to the decisions you take.

Despite not being somewhat revolutionary, it manages to get you scare anyway. There’s also a virtual reality version that is getting recognition. And coming from a horror game, that speaks from itself.

Horror video games that were canceled


Although the release of this video game was canceled, users who managed to play the demo said it was enough to give it the recognition it deserves. With an endless corridor, a deceased woman, and lots of awful moments that brought out the worst scares to those who played it. Also, thanks to the alarming and gloomy story that was shown in the little sample, the game could have been one of the best the genre has had.

Would you dare to play these frightening video games?

Homunculus created by Russian Youtuber Kortney

Learn everything about a homunculus and the experiment this Russian creator uploaded on YouTube

What is a homunculus?

Centuries ago, alchemists used to looking for a way to find eternal life but they also tried something a little curious: creating life. As if they were God, these scholars tried to create tiny humans who were loyal followers of their creators.

Of all those experiments, only myths remained. However, just a couple of years ago, a mysterious Russian youtuber, known as Korney, brought the topic back by creating a homunculus himself..

Russian homunculus

One of his first videos went viral so he subbed it into several languages in which he starts explaining the method he would carry out to create a homunculus by inoculating his own semen into chicken eggs.

On the video, he shows the process he carried out with a syringe. He covered the hole he did in the shell and left it to “hatch” for 40 days, just like chickens. Some time later, he broke the egg and recorded what shocked the internet: a small being bathed in greenish fluid, which seemed rigid.

He believed it wasn’t alive, so with a pair of tweezers, he gets closer to analyze it and the creature suddenly started to move and spat on his face. Surely this was an involuntary move, but the frightened Korney threw it into the table and crushed it with a book.

This is what started the argument of the veracity of homunculus. Korney didn’t want to give up so easily so he continued making more videos. However, they didn’t achieve the success of the first one, but they assured that, whether or not those things were homonculus, his experiments were having results. After the first experience, he kept trying until he managed to obtain something extremely strange but curiously alive.

In one of his tries, a thing which seemed with more vitality than the others was born, so the man put it on a container with water as a proof. This ended up with good results that he showed on video in which the creature looked bigger. It had an extremely weird shape that looked like a long trunk or even a mouth with some tiny and almost nonexistent legs.

The video was made by Korney with the intention of asking for advice because he didn’t know what to feed the creature. Many people told him to give him some protein which seemed to go down well with the creature as it began to grow larger. Once Korney was sure it was strong enough, he started to feed it meat. This made the creature to start developing veins which were visible through its pale skin.

Everything seemed okay until spring came and the creature stopped moving abruptly. He thought it was dead so Korney decided to put it in the refrigerator to freeze it and preserved it that way. At one time he went to check on it, he noticed that it was still alive and realizing that the homunculus actually liked the cold.

Yet, that wasn’t his only experiment with satisfactory results. He actually has another one, similar to a starfish and according to him, it doesn’t move that much.

A couple of weeks later, the homonculus showed a bulge in the back. However, it seemed that that was actually an eye and the homunculus was developing its body. Also, he claimed that the other homunculus was growing some type of electrical ability, like electric eels, which is why he began calling him Pikachu.

There are people who still continue to criticize and point out it’s a lie while there are also some faithful followers of his experiments that supports him. If you are interested, you can search for his youtube channel or his translated videos and judge by your own.

Now that you know what a homunculus is, do you think is correct to create one?

The Story Of The Shadow Doll At The Warren’s Occult Museum

Learn about the story of one of the most frightening items that is found at the Warren’s Occult Museum, the Shadow Doll

Unlike other dolls whose appearance is innocent and beautiful, the Shadow doll has a gloomy and unpleasant look, as the purpose of its existence, since it was created during a ritual for diabolical purposes. If this doll appears in your dreams, it is more likely to be a nightmare .

Besides pure evildoing, Shadow doll is made up of human bones and the teeth and nails are from animals.

This cursed doll scatters its ill in an unusual but no less terrifying way. The creators didn’t make her as a gift but to take her photographs and send them to the people they wanted to harm. Anyone who could see  Shadow doll’s picture, a curse would fall on them.

At first, when people used to receive the photo, they would laugh it off thinking it was a joke, but once it was night, they wished to never have slept on.

The doll would appear into the victim’s dreams. The nightmare would be so terrifying that the person’s heart would stop forever…

It is not known how Shadow doll came into their hands, but a seller of ancient things sold the doll to some collectors who were affected from the first day they walked through the door of their house with her.

That day, the couple had nightmares where the doll appeared and once they woke up, they were full of scratches. The second night the same thing happened again, but this time, there weren’t just scratches, but some marks like claws. After that, they decided to call the Warrens to take over the doll.

The magic in the doll is so powerful that if she is destroyed, the spirits that were summoned during her creation will follow after those who did it, bringing misfortune and fear.

Would you go and visit the Shadow doll at the Warren’s Occult Museum?


The Real Story Of Gargamel From The Smurfs

During our childhood, we watched hundreds of cartoons that touched us and one of them undoubtedly had to be The Smurfs, the story of those little blue beings constantly chased by the grumpy Gargamel and his cat Azrael. He would always devise any plan in order to destroy them.

Even though, we used to think that Gargamel was an evil sorcerer in the cartoon,  you might be surprised to know that in reality this was different. There’s an obvious reason as to why he used to insist on ending with the Smurfs and this is because, beyond being good and friendly, our little blue beings are linked with the Devil and all his evilness.

The true story of Gargamel dates since the 12th or 13th century. He was a well-known priest who became part of the Dominican order and got in charge of carrying out the inquisition in ancient Europe.

Gargamel was born in a small town in Spain and came from a very poor family. He was abandoned at the age of four by his own mother, since she didn’t have the financial solvency to take care of him. She laid him on a basket at the entrance of a convent and when he was found by the religious men, he got adopted by.

Time passed by and when he grew up, he became a priest of the convent and swore to protect his sacred home from any entity or being that tried to do evil to them while helping those most in need.

Over the years, all the men who took care of Gargamel from his childhood started to pass away until he finally ended up alone in that huge and almost ruined place.

The sadness caused by being alone, made him being on the verge of becoming insane. However, he started to feel better when he met the one who would be his new companion for life, a small cat that was wandering around the place looking for food. Gargamel adopted and called him Azrael. He and his little feline ended up being inseparable until the end of their days.

He managed to get ahead and all his daily experiences were narrated in his book. At the end, this great and noble character was the inspiration for different comics, and of course, cartoons like The Smurfs.

The curious thing is that in this cartoon, Gargamel is still a priest but introduced as a grumpy old man who lives inside a church along his faithful cat Azrael to hunt the little bluish-creatures.

Azrael comes from the name Israel, which means ‘God’s chosen people’.  Although some others associate the name with ‘The Angel of Death’ and his mission is to help Gargamel destroy any evildoing and among those, the Smurfs who are the 7 deadly sins and it’s very clear which one represents each: Grouchy Smurf (Wrath), Greedy Smurf (Gluttony), Vanity Smurf (Pride), Hefty Smurf (Envy), Brainy Smurf (Greed), Lazy Smurf (Sloth) and Smurfette (Lust).

An interesting fact is that the family leader, Papa Smurf, is the only member in red attire, which is why he is considered as the Devil.

Despite the friendly image of the Smurfs, there’s a dark background behind, as they supposedly are malignous spirits from the forest that will bring evil to humanity and so Gargamel’s duty is to protect the world from these demonic entities and thus throughout the chapters, he persists on catching them.

On full moon days, the Smurfs used to performed rituals and spells to create a new being like themselves and only through that moon phase they could be able to steal children’s souls.

So next time you watch one of the chapters, remember to not hate Gargamel, as he only tries to defend the world from the evilness.

Did you know Gargamel wasn’t that bad of a person?