4 Signs That Prove This Is Not Your First Life On Earth

When the soul of a living being starts a new life in a different physical form or body after passing away, that’s considered as reincarnation.

It is believe that some non-physical essence come back to Earth to work on pending issues left in previous lives, to complete a purpose that was entrusted to them.


But how can we know if we have reincarnated? There are different signs that may give us the answer.

A hypnotherapist may help you through a session of meditation to connect with your inner voice and receive knowledge about your past lives. People sometimes refer to this method as a way to conclude a life cycle or stop phobias that formed from previous lives’ experiences.


Here are 4 signs to know if this is not your first life on Earth.

1. You can see through people

When you interact with a person you have never met before, you can identify their true colors. It’s like you have known that person for a very long time.

It is believed that it’s because you have met this kind of personality in some past life so you are familiar with the person’s behavior in general. You have interacted with many people in previous lives, so it’s easy for you to see through their true nature.


This doesn’t mean that you criticize the way people are, only that you are a good observer. Possibly you have caught yourself staring and analizing everyone around you. When there’s interaction, you pay attention to the vibes people transmit during the conversation. You’re even more comfortable observing and listening to others rather than interacting with them. It is something very natural of you.


2. You enjoy passing time by your own

You enjoy your time alone. You’d rather do a quiet activity by yourself than being surrounded by people or in crowded places. You prefer watching a beautiful sunset than being in a noisy party. And this doesn’t mean you are a bored and bitter person, you actually do not need anyone around you to enjoy many things by your own. It’s a relationship only with yourself and not about what other thinks about.


When it’s someone first life, the person is like a small child who wants to learn, have fun and explore the world. You may like going out and hang around with many people but since your soul has been on Earth before, this doesn’t work the same way for you as it’s for others. You are already used to being surround of other people and you may know what to expect.


3. A fish out of water

You may have felt you are not yourself or that you don’t belong to. Maybe sometimes you have even tried to understand the meaning of life, why we do what we do or why things are the way the are.


You are the type of person who talks about astral projection, spirituality or deep-conversations like that while other people prefer to have talks about more ordinary things such sports, climate, politics. Sometimes people will find intriguing the way you think, but that’s what makes you stand out from others.

Sometimes you have tried to fit in but don’t know exactly how and that makes you feel uncomfortable. You may have more “quirks” than a normal person but that doesn’t mean something’s wrong with you, just that you think different because of the knowledge you have from your past lives’ experiences. 


4. You are a very wise person

People look for your advice, even if you are younger than them. It’s like you hold a huge amount of wisdom within yourself no matter your age. It may be a reason for your reincarnation, to help others and leading their paths with knowlege.

You have lived many experiences before, so that’s why you have a lot of patience and are mature person. Since your soul is old, you don’t need that much time to learn or understand through a situation while someone that is living a first life may take them longer to learn from an experience.



You are one of the people who come to you to help them with some difficult situation they are going through. The help with maturity and wisdom, since you learn quickly when life tries to give a lesson, you are even excellent paying attention when life wants to show you something.

People go for your help when they are passing through some difficult situation. And the more time passes by, the more you acquire wisdom. You don’t care much for superficial things but more in growing spiritually by being a better person and helping others, that’s more valuable to you.


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