“Papa Legba” the creepy god of voodoo compared to “St. Peter”

Papa Legba is a powerful voodoo deity who has the power to open and close the portals between the living and the dead.

Papa Legba will always be the first and last to be named in a voodoo invocation, since his permission is necessary for any type of communication or interaction between the two worlds.

Papa Legba is identified as St. Peter in the Catholic religion, the guardian of the gates of heaven.

All voodoo ceremonies begin with the following song:

“Oh, good Legba, listen to me: open the barrier to me. Dad Legba, open the barrier for me.
Open the barrier for me to enter.
Voodoo Legba, open the barrier to me.
I will thank the loas (spirits) when I return.
Ababó. “

And one of the most common prayers is:

“Open the road, open the fence, open the door. We want to get home, dad. “

It´s said that Papa Legba, who can speak all human languages, is the voice of God and has the gift of giving life, Legba goes to issues related to sexuality and to ask for help in life’s difficulties.

A devotee must kiss the ground three times to call Papa Legba and ask for his intersection, the person must receive it with rum, cigars and peanuts.

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