Video shows scary paranormal apparition in cemetery of Mexico

As many of you will know, In Guadalajara, Jalisco is the cemetery of Belen, known as the most haunted cemetery in Mexico, due to its high paranormal activity and multiple legends that are born in place that houses death, one of the chilling stories about an ancient monk, who recently manifested himself in the present body.

The reason why the monk walks in the cemetery is not known, but it is said that many people have seen a monk in black walking among the graves of Belen, but it was not until some years ago that an evidence came out to the light, where the spectrum was captured on video.

Before getting married, a couple went to a photo session to the emblematic cemetery of Belen, because although funerals are no longer held, the sinister place was opened to the public as a museum.

The couple began to pose in different attractions of the cemetery, while they were photographed and filmed by two people, a professional photographer and the girl’s father.

When the video material was reviewed, they realized that in one of the scenes, a mysterious monk walks near the couple, a curious fact is that the crucifix that he carries in his left hand, is not of the current time, but rather belongs to the eighteenth century. It is also worth mentioning that the entity was only captured in one of the cameras.

As well as this case, there is another where the monk was exposed before the eyes of many witnesses in an event, because dozens of people say that among the crowd the monk was seen wandering, this happened in November, the month in which according to Mexican tradition , the dead visit us.

For those who want to go check the existence of this monk or some other paranormal entity, I suggest you take one of the tours they perform in the pantheon, where they tell the stories of the tombs and their terrifying legends, and if you are sufficiently brave, there are even night schedules.

Here we show you the video where you can see the chilling manifestation

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