New photo reveals what “Bird Box” creatures look like

If there is a movie that is recently in everyone’s mind, it is Bird Box. This movie by Susanne Bier’s is an amazing adaptation from Josh Malerman’s popular novel.

It tells a post-apocalyptic story of a woman struggling to survive “after a sinister presence leads most of society to end their own life,” offering a quite nerve-wracking and exciting journey with some fantastic performances.


However, given that these monsters actually play an important role in the movie, these are not seen or shown directly in any scene, the reason why many people wonder what they look like and how they could be.

And although the decision to never show these monsters was probably a correct choice in the end, even if it is shown to be a bit controversial for fans, it has not prevented people from imagining what they would look like.

But now, we do not have to imagine more, since the special effects studio SFX Atlas has released the following photo that gives the world a pretty good idea of ​​the design that was going to be used since at one time the filmmakers planned to reveal them on screen.


A while ago, Sandra Bullock talked about the decision to show the creatures and said that when she first saw the design, it made her laugh.

“It was a green man with a horrible babyface. He was like a snake, and I said,” I don’t want to see him when it appears for the first time. Just bring it to the room. Let’s continue to the scene. I turn and he’s there [growling at me.] It’s making me laugh. He was just a long, fat baby. “


While we are sure that the spectators would not have laughed once all the VFX and post-production tweaks had been made in the creature’s design, it was a smart decision to keep the mystery intact and not show what these monsters really do…

What do you think? Would you have liked to have seen the creatures in Bird Box? Or are you happy they never showed up?

The terrifying origin of Peppa Pig

“Peppa Pig is a hit with kids because of its cute and cuddly characters, that’s why parents allow their children to have fun watching Peppa. However, if they knew the dark legend behind this animated series, they would ban it completely…

Legend has it that many years ago, on a small farm lived a family who raised pigs and then sold their meat to the village butchers. In reality, this family consisted of only two members, Mr. Smith, and his little daughter Peppa Smith. Since Peppa’s mother was locked up in prison for trying to end her husband’s life, in the presence of the child.

Despite the terrible episode that Peppa lived through, she was a sweet and obedient child with her father, she liked to help with the breeding, so much so that every morning she went out happily to feed the piglets and then clean them and play with them. She was so affectionate that she had four favorites;

A huge, robust male who couldn’t see very well, a female who could only have two offspring, one of these offspring didn’t do the typical “oink” like the other animals, but rather grunted like a dinosaur, and the other offspring was very big like the father.

In her spare time, Peppa used to draw pictures and one day she came up with the idea of drawing one with chalk on the wall of the barn. She drew a forest, and inside it, a family of little pigs dressed in T-shirts and dresses. On top of each member she placed their names which were…

Mama Pig, next to her was George, who was wearing a dinosaur cuddly toy because he likes to growl like them. Then there was Papa Pig with his glasses because he couldn’t see well, and at the end Peppa Pig, which looked just like her because it was its favorite. She was so happy with her artwork that she immediately looked for her father to show it to him, but when Mr. Smith arrived he grabbed her by the hair and started to yell at her.

“Spoiled child! How many times do I have to tell you not to get attached to those pigs? This morning I fixed the grinding machine and I’ll start the meat production again. Those animals you drew on the wall, just this morning I decided to get rid of them and sell them to the butcher.”

Hearing what her father was saying to her, she burst into a loud cry full of pain, but her father didn’t care, he even ordered his daughter to grind up waste to feed the pigs while he was busy ending the life of Peppa’s favorite pig.

Peppa was very upset and still obeyed her father. She turned on the shredder and put the waste into a bucket, then climbed a ladder and, being at the top, gradually overtook the contents of the bucket.

But suddenly the machine began to make a sound as if something was stuck inside the gears and Peppa decided to look a little closer to find out what the cause was. Unfortunately, something went wrong and the ladder moved, poor Peppa fell into the machine…

When the father arrived in a hurry because of Peppa’s heart-rending screams, it was too late because he found only one terrible scene, the walls and floor completely covered with Peppa’s waste.

Mr. Smith’s grief was so deep when finding his daughter in such a condition that he decided to join his little girl in the afterlife. The next morning he was found in the barn leaning against the wall under the picture his little girl had drawn.

Some time later, it is rumored that the drawings were used by the creators of the Peppa Pig cartoon, regardless of the sad story that has been dragging on…

Mom freaks out when her 4-year-old reveals that he is the reincarnation of her unborn baby

One mother has shared the shocking moment where her four-year-old son remembered when he lost his life BEFORE he was born.

Laura Mazza, writing on Instagram, told how Luca said he died in his “belly” and became an angel. The Australian mother said that unfortunately before Luca was born, she lost a baby spontaneously, but soon after as a blessing, Luca arrived.

“I knew that Luca had walked this earth before. I could only see the way he looked, “As if he was a small man, he has always been wise and said some really funny things, he sang some old songs that he wouldn’t have heard in his four years of life”.

“But tonight, in the bathroom, he said something that really surprised me and made me really believe that he’s an old soul.” He said, “I lived in your belly… I was there, but then I left.”

Laura kept asking Luca what he meant… and was surprised by his answer. He said, “No, Mom, I came to your belly and then I stopped living; I went looking for you but I couldn’t find you, I went to your house, I went everywhere, but you couldn’t hear me when I called you; then I was sad, but then I became an angel. “I missed you, so I wanted to come back to you, so I became a baby in your belly and then I was born again.

“Now I’m happy, I’m your baby again and I’m happy that I can grow up now.” Laura explained how, when she heard Luca’s story, she burst into tears. “I just looked at him and cried. Our babies know who they want their mothers to be long before we know they exist,” she concluded.

“This is proof that they truly choose us and their souls are always with us in this life or the next,” said the blessed mother.

Perrita arrastra su manta afuera para compartirla con un perro sin hogar en el frío

Lana es un cachorro de 8 meses que vive una vida maravillosa con sus dueños, Suelen Schaumloeffel y el prometido de Suelen. Sin embargo, para Lana, la vida no siempre fue perfecta.

De hecho, antes de tener un hogar, era una extraviada que corría por las calles de Brasil. Su suerte cambió cuando Schaumloeffel la rescató y le dio un hogar para siempre. Pero el hecho de que Lana ahora esté viviendo una vida cómoda no significa que haya olvidado lo dura que puede ser la vida en las calles.

Lana tiene una bonita y dulce casa de perro donde duerme, y está equipada con una manta muy lujosa. Y una noche, ella hizo algo completamente inesperado y conmovedor que el prometido de Schaumloeffel vio temprano a la mañana siguiente cuando se dirigía al trabajo.

Aparentemente, Lana había arrastrado su manta por el patio hasta la cerca donde dormía un perro callejero. Lana estaba acostada sobre la mitad de la manta, mientras que la otra mitad había sido cubierta a través de la cerca para que el perro callejero durmiera en la otra mitad.

El hecho de que Lana tenga suficiente compasión y amabilidad para compartir su manta es realmente una lección de la que todos podemos aprender mucho.

Schaumloeffel dijo: “Pensé: ‘Qué hermoso fue lo que hizo por su amiga’. Mi mejor amiga de cuatro patas me recordó algo tan importante: ¡generosidad! Ella es la perrita más linda que he conocido. A veces olvidamos la diferencia que podemos hacer en la vida de alguien. Ella me recordó esto “.

Schaumloeffel había visto al perro callejero el día anterior, sin embargo, en ese momento no estaba segura de si era realmente un perro callejero o no.

Ella trató de acercarse a él, pero cada vez que lo hacía, él huía. Lana fue quien logró echarle una mano. Schaumloeffel siguió su ejemplo al dejar algo de comida y agua para él, y finalmente pudo conseguirle ayuda.

¡Todo gracias a la buena acción de Lana!

Remake of “Young Witches” is on its way and its new protagonists have been revealed

This is one of the best news you will hear today, for all fans of the classic film of the nineties “The Craft”, it´s essential that you know that they are now working on their new film as a remake.

Sony has confirmed the realization of this new film. According to The Hollywood Reporter magazine, “the promising horror filmmaker Leigh Janiak will write and direct the new version. The news of a female director who will join to direct a feature film project focused on women is a great achievement for Hollywood. ”

Remembering the original film released in 1996, it focuses on a student named Hanna, with supernatural powers who moved to a new city, when she arrives on her first day of school she meets three girls who were part of a coven of witches .

Hanna joined them being the fourth missing of the coven, which made their God (Manon) listen to them and provide more power. Unfortunately things got out of control, living spooky situations between them.

Blumhouse also revealed the names of the actresses who will give life to the characters of the witches in their new version.

Cailee Spaeny

Gideon Adlon

Lovie Simone

Zoey Luna

At the moment they have been confirmed to be part of The Craft. And apparently, Cailee Spaney will be the one who plays the role of the central protagonist “Hanna”.

What do you think of the new cast? …

It has not yet been the revelation of the exact date of its premiere, but the project is already underway and it is estimated that it will be released on the big screen in 2020.

Remake de “Jovenes Brujas” esta en camino y ha revelado a sus nuevas integrantes

Esta es una de las mejores noticias que escucharas el día de hoy, para todos los fanáticos de la película clásica de los noventa “Jóvenes Brujas”, es indispensable que sepan que ahora están trabajando en su nueva película como remake.

Y es que Sony, ha confirmado la realización de este nuevo filme. Según la revista The Hollywood Reporter, “la prometedora cineasta de terror Leigh Janiak escribirá y dirigirá la nueva versión. La noticia de una directora femenina que se unirá para dirigir un proyecto de largometraje centrado en mujeres es un gran logro para Hollywood”.

Recordando la película original estrenada en 1996, se enfoca en una chica llamada Hanna, con poderes sobrenaturales que se cambió a una nueva ciudad junto a su padre, al llegar su primer día de clases conoce a tres chicas que formaban parte de un aquelarre de brujas.

Hanna se unió a ellas siendo la cuarta faltante del aquelarre, lo que hizo que su Dios (Manón) las escuchara y brindara más poder. Desafortunadamente las cosas se salieron de control, viviendo situaciones espeluznantes entre ellas.

La productora encargada de realizar el filme “Blumhouse”, ha sido caracterizada por elaborar en proyectos de películas exitosas y destacadas como: “Insidious”, “La Purga”, “Fragmentado”, entre otras… Así que no hay duda que Jóvenes Brujas, no será la excepción.

Blumhouse, también reveló los nombres de las chicas quienes se encargaran de darle vida a los personajes de las brujas en su nueva versión.

Cailee Spaeny

Gideon Adlon

Lovie Simone

Zoey Luna

Hasta ahora ellas cuatro han sido confirmadas para formar parte del nuevo aquelarre. Y al parecer, Cailee Spaney será quien haga el papel de la protagonista central “Hanna”.

¿Que te parece el nuevo elenco?…

Aún no ha sido la revelación de la fecha exacta de su estreno, pero el proyecto ya esta en curso y se estima que saldrá a la pantalla grande en el 2020.

Who is Valak? – the Demon that inspired “The Conjuring”

The true story of the nun of “The Conjuring 2”, the creepy demon Valak, which has ruined so many lives…

The Warren Universe movie “The Conjuring 2” is based on one of the most famous cases that were investigated by Lorraine and Edward (rest in peace). The case is known as “The Enfield Poltergesit” where in a house in the Brimsdown neighborhood in London, England there was a terrible demonic possession of an 11 year old girl named: Janet.

Many of us (The Conjuring fans) know that the Valak nun didn´t exist in the true story of the Enfield case, however it doesn´t mean that this demon is not real, since the evil Valak exists even though it isn´t dressed as a nun (at least not always).

The demon Valak is the great president of hell, he has 30 legions of demons under his command; His appearance is of an innocent child with the wings of an angel, who rides a 2 headed dragon.

According to the story in books of demonology, the demon Valak gives you the right answers about the hidden treasures, tells you where you can find the snakes and forces them to obey you.

He is not selfish with his powers so he can share his strength in abundance if you wish. Many witches and treasure hunters are those who invoke him, and although it sounds tempting, unfortunately the price you will have to pay could corrupt your soul.

Valak seeks to possess genuine church spirits, such as nuns or altar boys.

The dark story of the Salem Witches

In the year of 1692, in a town called Salem in New England, United States, the horror arrived in each of its corners …

The beginning of this story is when two girls begin to suffer seizures without explanation, their personality became dark and unstable, they insulted God and barked like dogs.

The inhabitants of Salem determined that the girls suffered demonic possession, because they were victims of witches, that they were women and men who had obtained a supernatural power after having agreed with the devil.

The possessed girls had to say the names of the witches who enchanted them, and they gave three names.

Two of the “witches” never confessed their guilt but one of them did confess to being a servant of the Devil, her name was Tituba, who was a slave from Barbados and was a nanny to one of the possessed girls.

Tituba was known among Salem’s girls for telling stories about Voodoo.

In Salem and the nearby towns, the cases of possessed girls increased, so that the witch hunt originated, all those who saw some strange behavior in one of its inhabitants, had to accuse him.

The problem is that all behavior that was not appropriate according to the sacred writings, was an indication that the person was a witchcraft practitioner, and thus began the war of accusations, some were ill-intentioned and unfounded, but sufficient to lead to the person on trial.

It is said that more than 200 people were taken to trial, although only about 20 people, mostly women, were taken to the bonfire or the gallows. Years later, it was stated that of those people who were deprived of life, only 3 really worshiped Satan.

It is said that the majority of women accused of witchcraft in history were innocent, because true witches were wise and powerful enough to be discovered.

It is said that the unstoppable spirits of witches and convicted innocent women inhabit the city where they lost their lives…

Salem, Massachusetts, is the perfect tourist destination for horror lovers, throughout the month of October, especially on the 31st, Halloween night.

There is a celebration called: Salem Haunted Happenings, a celebration in which the entire city dresses up for Halloween.

Both day and night, there are chilling activities such as witch parades, visits to chilling museums and paranormal investigations in haunted places, where are told the terrifying stories and legends that have occurred in Salem, the home of the witches…

The true Fragmented Story (Split)

Split film recounts a fictional case of a man named Kevin who suffers from Multiple Personality Disorder, a real disorder.

In the film, Kevin’s personality is fragmented into 23 different parts, all with their own gender, age and personality, however one of his personalities is equivalent to a “demon”.

The film is not based on a specific case of multiple personality disorder, but on many, but there is one that stands out for its great resemblance to Kevin’s case.

We are talking about Billy Milligan.

The fragmentation of personality in different people has reached 100 personalities. The case of Billy Milligan does not reach those extremes, but he had 24 very defined personalities.

The life of William Stanley Milligan, known as “Billy” was always very difficult and full of disorders.

He was born in Ohio in the year of 1955 and since a very young age his problems began, usually caused by the relations that his mother had with different men, who came to serve as stepparents, however none really became, because they did not stay enough time in their lives.

But more than that, it was what he had to live in these relationships, one of them took his own life, after having tried twice before, these events caused a very strong impression on the child, while another of the men continuously forced him to do unseemly things, what could have finished driving him crazy.

From his adolescence, Billy Milligan became a bad guy, stealing continuously, and over the years his problematic behavior was increasing to the maximum point, which is where his story resembles that of Split.

On one occasion two of their personalities decided that they wanted to deprive women of freedom, and they did so three times, leading the young women to lock them up and abused. However, when the ladies were liberated and they reported to the police, the authorities were confused because despite the fact that the women had been attacked by a man who physically described the same, in terms of the accent and personality of each case was very different.

When Billy Milligan was caught he was studied psychologically and found that he had 24 personalities, and two of them had been responsible for the terrible acts, a Yugoslavian who even spoke with the accent and wrote Serbian, and a young woman, both declared themselves to be guilty of the acts, but the Yugoslavian said he did not remember anything about the offense to the women.

The studies came to light giving the results of all Billy’s personalities, which were divided into two groups: The Desirables and the Undesirables.


They were those personalities that Billy Milligan considered pleasant, Billy, the principal personality; Arthur, a very polite Englishman; Ragen Vadascovinich, the Yugoslavian; Allen, a scammer who played drums; Tommy, an electronics expert and liked to paint; Danny, with anthropophobia, especially towards men; David, eight years old, was the one who received all the hate and sadness of others; Christine, a three-year-old girl who received punishment; Christoper, Christine’s brother and played the harmonica.


Those who were also there, but badly influenced Billy Milligan. Adalana, a young woman who liked women and wrote poetry; Phil, someone who had taken people’s lives, he had a Brooklyn accent; Kevin, another bad guy, who took “substances”; Walter, an Australian fighter; April, a girl who planned to remove the life of Billy’s stepfather; Samuel, a Jew and the only one to believe in God; Marcos, a “zombie”, without any initiative at all; Steve, the imposter; Lee, the joker; Jason, a very irritable person; Bobby, without ambitions; Shawn, with four years and deafness; Martin, a New York snob; The Teacher was the sum of the 24 people together and had access to everyone else’s thoughts.

Billy Milligan was the first man diagnosed with multiple personalities disorder, so he spent 10 years in psychiatric hospitals before being liberated in 1988.

The true story of the Netflix movie “Possession of Veronica”

VALLECAS is one of the most documented and chilling cases in history, so much so that in 2007 the movie of Veronica’s Possession was released, based on this case, where the main and most unfortunate Victim was just a girl

This chilling story occurs in the early nineties in Madrid, begins with a group of girls who play Ouija at school, after one of them wanted to contact her boyfriend who had recently died in a motorcycle accident, when Suddenly, they were surprised by the teacher, who in an angry way broke the board without giving the girls a chance to say goodbye.

At that moment the glass they used as a pointer was inexplicably broken and a mysterious smoke was liberated, which was inhaled by the young Estefanía Gutiérrez, who from that moment, her life was about to fall apart …

If she was a healthy and cheerful young woman, she was suddenly affected by constant seizures, in hospitals they couldn´t find a reason, since all studies showed that she had no problem.

However, the ill she suffered was not medical, it was spiritual… spirits from hell were behind her soul and she knew it, she saw them every night around her bed, they were faceless men, they called her by her name, they said: “Come with us”.

On a tragic night, while Estefanía suffered an attack, she lost the battle against the devil, dying suddenly and suspiciously after falling into a coma, according to the medical examiner Pedro Cabeza.

The dark forces that had gone after Estefanía were so powerful that even after her death, those forces stayed at home to torment the relatives who were alive.

After midnight they could hear the ghostly wailing of Estefanía, who asked for help from her mother Concepción, while laughter of an old man rumble through the house, he was the deceased grandfather of Estefanía, who had promised to torment them after death.

In one of the paranormal episodes, a masculine silhouette with a flat and black face crawled across the room of her sisters, threw their dolls to the wall, while trying to reach the girls.

A black shadow watched from the hallway to each of the members of the family, it was so much anger in the entity that was stalking the family, this negative presence burned a photograph of Estefanía.

Terrified and afraid to have the same fate as Estefanía, her family went to the police, who arrived at the house to help them, but what was about to happen would leave the officers stunned.

While they were investigating, in an abrupt and unnatural way the doors of a closet opened and closed without stopping, loud noises were heard on the terrace without anyone being there, a brown spot appeared from nowhere on a tablecloth and they observed a crucifix that separated of the cross, the base where the cross was appeared scratched.

This case caught the attention of the media so much that professionals from the unknown went to help.

For months the family literally went through hell, even Estefanía’s mother tried to take off her life, but fortunately she survived to see her other daughters grow up, because after the storm they passed, with the support of parapsychologists, paranormal manifestations ceased and the family was able to live a relatively normal life.