10 datos curiosos que no sabías sobre los investigadores paranormales Ed y Lorraine Warren

Muchos conocemos al matrimonio de los Warren por su participación en escalofriantes casos como el de Annabelle, la familia Perron, la casa de Amityville o el poltergeist de Enfield.

En las películas de El Conjuro hemos podido conocer un poco sobre su vida, incluso sobre su historia de amor, sin embargo, lo que sabemos sobre ellos es muy poco, y eso es lamentable, pues la historia verdadera de ambos es muy interesante y vale la pena escuchar…

Es por eso que te presentamos los 10 datos curiosos que seguramente no sabías de los Warren…

1. Ed Warren creció en una casa embrujada.

Ed aseguró que cuando era pequeño vivió en una casa embrujada, donde vivió varias experiencias paranormales. Contó haber visto las puertas de su casa abriéndose y cerrandose por si mismas.

Una experiencia que tuvo a sus 5 años, fue cuando vio una luz que se acercaba a él, cuando estaba muy cerca, aquel destello creció hasta formar la silueta de la antigua dueña de la casa que justo había fallecido un año atrás.
En una entrevista para The Demonologist, Ed explicó que esa figura era aterradora…

“Era semitransparente, vestía lo que parecía una especie de sudario (una tela que se le pone a los rostros de los difuntos para cubrirlos)… y a los segundos desapareció frente a mis ojos”.

Warren también compartió que en ese entonces, soñaba con parientes difuntos que jamás en su vida había conocido, entre ellos, una tía que le hablaba sobre su futuro.

En un sueño ella le dijo que estaría en contacto con muchos sacerdotes para ayudarlos pero que Ed no sería un de ellos.

2. Lorraine comenzó a notar sus habilidades como clarividente desde muy pequeña.

Cuando Lorraine Warren tenía 9 años de edad, tuvo sus primeros inicios como clarividente cuando comenzó a notar que las personas tenían un campo de luz alrededor de ellos, es decir “auras”, sin embargo, ella imaginaba que era algo normal y que todos los demás podían verlo.

Cuando cumplió sus 12 años, Lorraine y sus amigas plantaron un pequeño árbol en la escuela, cuando terminaron, Lorraine comenzó a visualizarlo… “Tan pronto como pusieron el árbol joven en el suelo, lo vi como un árbol completamente desarrollado … lleno de hojas movidas por el viento”, dijo.

Cuando una monja se le acercó y le preguntó porque miraba tanto hacia arriba, Lorraine contestó “Estoy viendo el árbol”. A lo que la monja preguntó “¿Puedes ver el futuro?”, “Si, supongo que puedo hacerlo” admitió Lorraine.

3. Los Warren se conocieron desde adolescentes.

Cuando Lorraine y Ed tenían 17 años se conocieron, los dos vivían en Connecticut en el año 1944. Ed trabajaba como empleado general en un cine que frecuentaba Lorraine y su madre.

Al conocerse se convirtieron en grandes amigos, y poco tiempo después se enamoraron intensamente. De hecho, en una pequeña escena que salió en la película del Conjuro 3 “El diablo me obligó hacerlo”, podemos apreciar aquella romántica historia que los Warren vivieron en su adolescencia.

4. Ed y Lorraine Warren se casaron después de que Ed tuviera una experiencia cercana a la muerte.

Cuando Ed cumplió sus 17 años ingresó a la Marina durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Sólo duró un total de 4 meses, debido a que el barco donde zarpaba chocó contra un barco petrolero en el Atlántico Norte. Esto ocasionó un terrible incendio que provocó el fallecimiento de muchas personas, sin embargo, los pocos hombres que quedaron, incluyendo a Ed, tuvieron que saltar por la borda hacia las heladas aguas del océano.

Ed explica que en ese momento no pensaba nada solo oraba por su vida para poder regresar a casa y pedirle matrimonio a Lorraine. Dichas plegarias fueron escuchadas cuando a los pocos minutos fue rescatado. Después de aquella espeluznante experiencia decidió regresar a casa para casarse con su amada Lorraine.

5. Ed fue un artista pintor y así fue como comenzó su carrera de investigador paranormal

Cuando Ed contrajó matrimonio con Lorraine, tuvo que ver como ganarse la vida, así que él decidió tomar clases de pintura asumiendo que se convertiría en un gran artista de bellas artes y así poder plasmar su amor por los paisajes.

Sin embargo, los planes dieron un giro inesperado cuando a Ed se le ocurrió ilustrar en sus obras un tema más inusual… las casas embrujadas.

Ed y Lorraine buscaron en el periódico las casas embrujadas más reconocidas de aquellos años. Luego, se dirigían a ellas para dibujarlas y cuando terminaban tocaban la puerta para ofrecer su boceto al dueño de la casa, esto también lo hacían para sacar información y ver si la historia era lo suficientemente convincente.

Luego de 5 años, Ed y Lorraine recorrieron todas las casas embrujadas de los Estados Unidos, pintándolas y porque no también investigándolas… Así fue como comenzó su carrera investigadora.

6. Al principio, Lorraine era escéptica.

Lorraine tenía desarrolado su don como claravidente, pero a pesar de eso, no creyó en fantasmas hasta después, cuando Ed y Lorraine viajaron para pintar y conocer las casas encantadas.

“Al principio, desconfiaba un poco de los dueños de las casas con los que hablábamos. Pensé que estaban sufriendo de imaginación hiperactiva o simplemente estaban inventando cosas para llamar la atención”, dijo en The Demonologist.

Sin embargo, su don se agudizó al sentir el ambiente en estos lugares y fue así que vio varias similitudes y experiencias como clarividente, desde entonces se convirtió en una creyente.

7. Los Warren jamás cobraron por investigar los casos de la gente.

Es verdad que Ed y Lorraine Warren nunca cobraron dinero por sus servicios, a ellos les gustaba ayudar a las personas que vivían espantados por sus terribles casos.

Sin embargo, una manera donde ellos ganaban dinero era dando conferencias en las universidades y otorgando licencias con los derechos de sus experiencias para libros, televisión y rodajes de cine.

8. En un caso tuvieron que recibir refuerzos por el que sería el Papa Benedicto.

Uno de los casos más impactantes de los Warren fue el que vivieron dentro de la casa Smurl, pues este estaba custodiado por un súcubo que atormentaba a la familia.

Después de sus largos esfuerzos por intentar sacar al demonio, los Warren tuvieron que pedir apoyo de la iglesia católica. En ese entonces, el Papa Benedicto XVI era conocido como el Cardenal Ratzinger.

Benedicto les asignó un exorcista experimentado de la iglesia católica, el cual, tuvo que acudir al domicilio para hacer un fuerte ritual de exorcismo conocido como el “Ritual Romano”.

 9. Lorraine se sometió a pruebas para demostrar que no mentía.

Cuando los Warren ganaron popularidad en el mundo de lo paranormal, también ganaron muchas críticas por medio de los medios y otros expertos.
Sin embargo, Lorraine quiso demostrar que sus habilidades no eran falsas, por lo tanto se sometió a varias pruebas conocidos por parapsicólogos.

Los científicos que examinaron a Lorraine fueron dirigidos por la doctora Thelma Moss, quien después de varios estudios diagnósticó que Lorraine era una médium “muy por encima del promedio”

10. Ed y Lorraine Warren juntos hasta la eternidad.

Lorraine Warren falleció el 18 de abril del 2019, y fue enterrada junto a la tumba de su esposo Ed Warren en uno de los cementerios más embrujados de Connecticut…

Dicho cementerio, abrió sus puertas por primera vez en la década de 1700. Ubicado en el pueblo Stepney en Monroe, tiene la reputación de ser uno de los cementerios mas embrujados debido a sus innumerables apariciones fantasmales y manchas ectoplasmáticas.

Se dice que si vas a la tumba de Ed Warren, y le rezas tocando la cruz sobre su tumba puedes sentir que ésta se calienta mucho, según los rumores es señal de que Ed está contigo y te bendice.

¿Y tú ya sabías estos 10 datos sobre los Warren?


Esta Es La Nueva Serie de Terror De Netflix Que Hará Que Te Comas Las Uñas de Angustia

El 28 de enero se acaba de estrenar una serie de thriller sobrenatural que promete arrasar en Netflix…

Es una serie española original de Netflix, creada por Agustín Martínez (La Caza: Monteperdido) y Carlos Montero (Elite), protagonizada por las jóvenes Ana Tomeno y Carla Campra.

La serie se llama “Feria: La Luz Más Oscura”

Feria esta conformada de 8 capítulos de aproximadamente 50 minutos. Episodios llenos de terror y suspenso.


Las hermanas Eva  y Sofía se enfrentan al terrible crimen que supuestamente cometieron sus padres, quienes desaparecieron después de que más de 20 vidas fueran arrebatadas.

Las jóvenes deben enfrentar a los residentes del pequeño pueblo en el que viven, Feria, pues todos las desprecian. Conforme pasan los días, las chicas se enteran que en el pueblo existe una secta oscura, seres fantásticos y una mina misteriosa…

Aquí el trailer…

La Nueva Película De Masacre En Texas Llega a Netflix ¡Faltan Pocos Días!

¡Leatherface regresa a la pantalla con la secuela de Masacre en Texas del filme original de 1974!

Regresa a la pantalla uno de los personajes mas icónicos del mundo de terror, pues la secuela de la Masacre en Texas viene en camino para mostrarnos nuevamente al homicida serial más peligroso en acción, cobrando la vida de muchas otras víctimas…

Será una secuela de la película original de 1974 (Masacre en Texas), es ahí donde veremos al Leatherface de la película original, aunque más viejito pero con la misma sed de venganza.


La franquicia ha generado muchas películas con distintas versiones. Su última estrenada en el 2017, fue la precuela de los inicios del emblemático villano.

La compañía de Legendary Pictures, compró los derechos de la franquicia en el 2018, por lo que también anuncio un reinicio total a la historia pero sobre todo, una posible serie de televisión, aunque esa es otra historia… El chiste es que Netflix logró que la película se estrenara en su plataforma el 18 de febrero.

Fede Alvarez, director de No Respires y el remake de Evil Dead, será el productor de la nueva película “Masacre en Texas”.

El director compartió que la secuela que vendrá próximamente a la pantalla será un nuevo inicio a la franquicia, además de contar con el actor Mark Burnham para interpretar a Leatherface.

Gunnar Hansel, el actor de 1974 perdió la vida en el 2015.

Ademas Fede expresó su emoción con el uso de efectos prácticos para hacer las escenas de homicidios de la película…

“Es una secuela directa y es el mismo personaje. Es el viejo Leatherface. Todo son chistes clásicos de la vieja escuela. Mucho del enfoque que teníamos con Evil Dead: nunca VFX, para hacer todo frente a la cámara. Es un enfoque cinematográfico de la vieja escuela. Lentes vintage … es muy similar a la película original.” Explico Alvarez.

También se sabe que Sally Hardesty, la única sobreviviente de la primera entrega de Masacre en Texas, interpretada por Marilyn Burns, hará acto de presencia en esta secuela.

Lamentablemente, la actriz principal falleció mientras dormía en 2014 a la edad de 65 años, por lo que la nueva Sally Hardesty (ahora envejecida) será interpretada por Olwen Fouéré.

También habrá grandes participaciones como: Elsie Fisher (octavo grado), Jacob Latimore (The Maze Runner), Sarah Yarkin (Feliz día de tu muerte), Olwen Fouéré (Mandy) y Alice Krige (Star Trek: First Contact).

Aquí el Trailer…


Ya se Estrenó La Película De Terror Donde Los Villanos Son La Viejita De Insidious Y El Viejito De Saw

El día 27 de enero, llegó a los cines en México, una película que promete hacerte saltar del asiento de tanto miedo…

La película es del mismo creador de Destino Final, Jeffrey Reddick, dirigida por Timothy Woodward Jr,  y protagonizada por Lin Shaye de Insidious y  Tobin Bell de Saw.

La película se llama: La Llamada del Diablo


Edith es una señora sospechosa de ser bruja que pierde la vida inesperadamente, por lo que su esposo Edward, hace que un grupo de chicos que la molestaban, realicen una llamada a un teléfono que esta dentro de su ataúd para invocarla desde el más allá.

Y efectivamente, alguien del otro lado de la línea responde y les convertirá su vida en un infierno, una llamada que les da a los cuatro chicos 60 segundos para mantenerse a salvo. Esta simple solicitud se vuelve al instante muy terrorífica cuando sus más terribles pesadillas se hacen reales, al sumergirse a un mundo muy terrible.

La Llamada del Diablo ha sido un éxito tanto para el público como para los críticos. Además cuenta con excelentes actuaciones del elenco y la visión aterradora del creador de Destino Final.

¿Y tú ya la viste?

La Nueva Película De Terror Que La Esta Rompiendo En Netflix Y Que Tienes Que Ver

Netflix se ha destacado por tener un gran repertorio de películas de terror, y la lista sigue aumentando, pues recientemente se agregó una nueva película que te hará tener pesadillas…

La película es tan escalofriante que se encuentra en el top 10 de películas más vistas de Netflix.

La película es dirigida por Diederik Van Rooijen, y protagonizada por shay mitchell, la famosa actriz canadiense que interpretó a Emily en la serie Pretty Little Liars.

La película en español se llama: Cadáver, y en inglés, se llama: The Possession of Hannah Grace.


Un terrible exorcismo se sale de control y se lleva la vida de una mujer. Meses después, Megan Reed se encuentra trabajando en el turno nocturno en la morgue cuando recibe un cuerpo en malas condiciones.

Mientras Megan esta completamente sola y encerrada dentro en el sótano, ella empieza a tener visiones oscuras, que la llevan a pensar que el cuerpo de la difunta, puede estar poseído por una fuerza demoníaca malvada.

Lo más aterrador de la película, es que aunque no esta basada en un caso verdadero especifico, en la vida real si puede suceder, pues las posesiones son cosas que se viven al día, y es bien sabido por los médicos forenses que en las morgues pasan cosas extrañas y espeluznantes…

Aquí el trailer…

¿Y tú serías capaz de ver esta película de espanto?

The 7 most chilling documentary series you can watch on Netflix

If the movies and series of the terrifying genre cause you anxiety or nightmares for some time, now imagine watching a horror documentary where real events are the main protagonist, surely, you will be disturbed to know that reality is stranger than fiction.

Netflix is a platform with a wide range of content from different genres, but if your reading is more about the supernatural, paranormal or crime, I recommend that you give these scary documentary series a chance, of course, if you are brave…

7 Horror Documentary Series to watch on Netflix


This documentary not only tells the terrifying stories of the witnesses who lived through chilling experiences, but you can also live those events with scenes recreated in cinema style.

It is a program that handles a series of testimonies for each chapter. The person interviewed relates the events of a supernatural nature that were experienced in the past. The stories are real, so real that his victims left a terrible mark for life.

This documentary series is perfect for anyone who wants to feel the chills to the fullest.

Cecil Hotel

Many of us know the strange case of Elisa Lam, a young woman who lost her life in a strange way. She was found inside the hotel’s water cistern. After the officers investigated the case, they discovered that the security cameras were hiding a dark secret.

They found the girl inside the elevator behaving strangely as if she was being stalked by a mysterious supernatural force before disappearing.

The case went viral after the video was shared through the networks, which caused many people to be interested in the case, even the producers of Netflix. You can find the documentary at the Cecil Hotel, where you will be immersed in the past, listening to the versions of the employees and guests of that place.

Unsolved mysteries

You may remember this iconic show from the 80’s “Unsolved Mysteries”, a television program that if you are a lover of mystery, surely you did not miss it. Now, thanks to the platform, this documentary series has returned to our lives with new mysterious cases that will leave you scratching your head.

Each episode features a different case; stories of people who experienced paranormal events, UFO encounters, or even police testimonies who were present at the strangest disappearances in history.

Unsolved Mysteries investigates the case thoroughly to present every detail of the facts to the entire audience. So if you are looking for a documentary that has a bit of everything, Unsolved Mysteries is undoubtedly for you…

Dark Tourist

Would you like to visit magical, enchanted or terrifying places? Well, you don’t need to expose yourself, with this documentary series you can get to know the darkest tourist places in the world.

We follow the journalist David Farrier, visiting the most amazing and terrifying tourist places, places where they participated in terrible tragedies or dark and even paranormal events.

Some walks that you will live in this documentary series will be: Tours with vampires in New Orleans, Voodoo ceremonies, interviews with fans of serial killers, altars of La Santa Muerte, recreations of World War II and even places invaded by supernatural phenomena.

So if you are a lover of the supernatural and you like to travel the world, you already know what program you can entertain yourself with on the weekend.

Surviving Death

Have you ever wondered where we go after losing our lives? If so, then this documentary is for you.

A documentary where they bring together several experts; mediums, scientists, doctors, paranormal connoisseurs, stories of people who made astral travel and even were close to the afterlife.

The program focuses on discovering what will be in store for us on the other plane, where we are going after we die and what we will face next. It may not be a terrifying series, however, if you are looking to discover more about the subject, you might be interested…

The Watts Case 

One of the saddest crimes, in this documentary we will go back in time investigating every detail about the Watts family case.

It dives into the family homicide committed by Chris Watts on August 13, 2018, in which he took the life of his weeks-pregnant wife and their two daughters, ages 3 and 4.

A terrible act driven by the doubts he had in his relationship.

Inside the Criminal’s Mind

Not only is the crime these nefarious criminals committed terrifying, but the intricate psychology and their destructive thoughts.

A documentary series that thoroughly analyzes each serial killer, his psychology, his behavior and even his life story for which those dark patterns were supposedly developed.

In the mind of the criminal you will see real crimes, sects and the immoral behavior of different criminals.

Which of all the documentaries are you most interested in watching?

10 International Horror Movies You Can Find on Netflix

Perhaps you are one of those people who are tired of always seeing the same thing, so it is good to give them a chance at some international films that bring new stories to the cinema…

If you are a horror lover, you will be surprised that some of them have terrifying stories, so much so that you will probably become a fan of these international films.

For this reason, in this article I leave you 10 movies that you do not have to search unreachably, because you can find them on the Netflix platform…

1. The Influence

Country: Spain

Alicia, mother of a family, returns to the old mansion from which she fled after experiencing terrible moments in her childhood.

She is accompanied by her husband and daughter, who motivate her to move forward and rebuild her life, however, the past that she thought she had forgotten seems to come back to haunt her, in addition to the inert body of the family’s matriarch who despite the coma still clinging to life.

2. #Alive

Country: South Korea

A strange virus begins to infect several inhabitants of the city. Joon-woo wakes up one normal day in his apartment when he notices that the city is in chaos and the inhabitants are behaving strangely.

He soon discovers that the only way to survive is to stay locked up, however, when supplies run low and he loses all hope, he finds another survivor.

3. The Call

Country: South Korea

In this tape we see Kim Seo-yeon, a girl who realizes that her home phone is connected in the past. There she meets Young-sook, who lives in the same house but 20 years apart. Both can communicate through time and share information about their lives to improve their destinies.

However, Kim Seo-yeon realizes that her friend from her time is nothing more than an evil person and tries to stop her from committing more crimes.

4. Sabrina

Country: Indonesia

Maira and Aiden are a married couple who decide to adopt their niece Vanya after losing her biological mother. Aiden makes dolls, as well as owning a toy company.

Vanya continues to deal with the loss, so she decides to make a ritual to contact her deceased mother, however, things go wrong when strange events begin to invade the house, so Maira soon suspects that the doll is keeping something dark.

5. The Bridge Curse

Country: Taiwan

A group of college students decide to go to a bridge to check if an urban legend is true. Well, in that place, a woman lost her life and whoever dares to cross the bridge will be persecuted by evil at midnight.

6. The Orphanage

Country: Spain

Laura, her husband and son move into an orphanage with the intention of reopening it as a residence for children with disabilities. However, the youngest of the family begins to have strange and chilling behaviors, such as making friends with invisible children.

Laura, who lived there when she was little, will have to discover the dark secret that happened in the orphanage years ago…

7. Don’t Listen

Country: Spain

A family moves into a house to start a new life there. But as the days go by, the boy tries to explain to his parents that someone is hiding behind the walls and doors, so Sara and Daniel do not believe and think that it is a product of their son’s imagination.

The noises and voices are getting louder to the point of reaching Sara’s ears, who now believes that her son was right. The couple decides to call in paranormal investigators, but after investigating the house, they discover the dark secret it holds.

8. Host 

Country: United Kingdom

During the quarantine, a group of friends agree to get together to chat on Zoom. One of them decides to do something different to entertain herself, and invites a medium to the session.

But things will get complicated when one of them opens the circle, so a fun virtual meeting will turn into a terrible nightmare that will even break into their own homes.

9. Veronica 

Country: Spain

This film is based on real events… Veronica is a young woman who lives with her mother and brothers in an apartment in Madrid. At school, one of her teachers explains that in some ancient cultures eclipses were used to make sacrifices and invoke spirits.

This leads Veronica to wait for the astronomical phenomenon, soon to meet her friends in a hidden part of the school and contact her late father through the Ouija board.

However, a demonic entity is released, now, Veronica is tormented by that demon that uses her body to take possession.

10. The Bride

Country: Russia

Nastya is a young woman who decides to accompany her fiancé Ivan to the town where he grew up to meet his whole family. When Nastya settles in, she realizes that her entire house is full of creepy pictures, plus his family members are very strange.

Despite that, Nastya trusts her boyfriend and she remains calm knowing that she will soon marry him and live happily together. However, Ivan disappears, now her Nastya must deal with the traditions of her family who prepare her for a mysterious ceremony before the wedding.

Now you know what to watch this weekend…

You Can’t Miss These 8 Foreign Horror Series That You Can Watch On Netflix And HBO

Lately, foreign horror films have left us speechless, as they have shown us to be on a par with many of the best American horror films.

Thanks to platforms like Netflix and HBO, today we can enjoy a wide repertoire of foreign series.

So if you feel like a good dose of suspense and mystery this weekend, I recommend you watch these series that you can find on Netflix and HBO max.

1. Marianne, France (Netflix)

Marianne is a young author who achieved success writing horror novels. One day she receives a visit from an old friend who makes her remember the torments of her past, it is then that she decides to return to her hometown to face the demons that she left in that place.

2. Perfume, Germany (Netflix)

This series is inspired by the novel by writer Patrick Süskind, the plot begins when a singer is found lifeless and without organs, that is when the detectives decide to investigate a group of young people who seemed to know her. However, they will be haunted by a dark past that they have kept hidden.

3. Curon, Italy (Netflix)

Based on a dark Italian legend, after 17 years a woman decides to return to her town with her two children to try to fix her life, however, she mysteriously disappears, so her teenage children will try to discover the strange disappearance of their mother dealing with a dark family secret.

4. Behind her eyes, England (Netflix)

The plot focuses on Louise, a woman who begins a secret affair with her boss, who is a married man, however she becomes best friends with his wife.

5. Ares, Netherlands (Netflix)

Ares is the name of a secret student society. Hidden teenagers, privileged and with an evil force, who each time Rosa and Jacob enter this world, they will soon discover that it is a terribly dangerous place.

6. The Head, Spain and Japan (HBO)

It takes us to the South Pole where a group of scientists investigate the climate, when suddenly a strong climate change forces them to be evacuated from the place, that is when they discover that there are several missing people.

7. Five Days, England (HBO)

Five Days is a miniseries that has 5 parts. It all begins when a woman travels with her two children to visit her grandfather and stops in the middle of the highway to buy some flowers. Mysteriously she disappears leaving her two children alone in the car. When they try to leave they also disappear, leaving only a closed circuit camera as evidence of that strange event.

8. 30 Coins, Spain (HBO)

Father Vergara is an ex-convict, boxer and excellent exorcist who is exiled by the church and sent to a remote town where he discovers a series of terrifying events that could be connected to a conspiracy for the destruction of humanity. The name of this series “30 coins” has to do with the 30 coins that Judas accepted in exchange for betraying Jesus Christ.

And which of these series will you watch?

Video shows ghost of famous legend jumping on one leg on highway

Chilling images have emerged of what some believe to be a one-legged “child ghost” jumping and screaming on the side of the road.

The bizarre video, which has gone viral in Thailand after being posted on Facebook, was filmed just across the border in neighboring Laos.

And some of the four million people who have seen the bizarre video are convinced that it is a mythical blood-sucking ghoul called the Gong Goi.

According to local folklore, the child-sized monster sucks blood from the toes of sleeping people camping in the wild.

The ghostly creature a long tongue, big eyes and a strong red hair.

It is said that he was cursed to spend his life after jumping on a human leg shouting “Gong Goi, Gong Goi!” And again.

The video was shared by Chantha Sitouluk, who claimed to have captured the little being on camera near Luang Namtha province.

When contacted by local reporters, Chantha declined to provide any further details about the video, but insisted that he took it himself and that it is 100% genuine.

Here’s the video…



10 Horror Movies You Didn’t Know Were Based On Real Events

Many scary movies have risen to fame not only for their chilling storyline that make you jump from the comfort of your seat, but also because they are based on real life…

Example: The Exorcism of Emily Rose, The Conjuring, Chucky, Leatherface, The Exorcist, and I could go on with this long list, however, I’m pretty sure you didn’t know that the following movies are also based on real events…

1. The Entity (1982)

The story of this film is about a woman attacked and abused by an evil entity, that’s right, if the plot is terrible, wait until you know the true story…

The film was based on the Doris Bither case. In the year 1974, the tormented woman declared that she was bothered and abused by various spirits.

2. Wolf Creek (2005)

A movie that will leave you stressed at all times. It tells the story of three travelers who, when their car breaks down on the highway, a villager approaches them to help them, however, they end up being tortured by that kind man.

Director Greg McLean was based on two different people; One was by Ivan Milat, during the 1990s, the subject kidnapped and tormented 90 travelers who were going to Australia, it is thought that 37 took their lives.

The second was by Bradley John Murdoch, a man who ended the life of a tourist in 2001, the tourist’s girlfriend was also there, but she managed to escape.

3. The girl next door (2007)

This film is sad, just thinking that such inhuman people actually exist, because the plot follows a young woman who is cruelly abused and mistreated by her aunt and cousins. And the fact that it really happened…


The film is based on Sylvia Likens, a young woman who, in 1965, was mistreated, humiliated and abused for four months until she lost her life, Gertrude Baniszewski (her nanny) along with her children, among others neighborhood boys and girls were responsible.

4. Scream (1996)

The film begins when a girl receives a call from a stranger, she thinks it is a prank call, however, a masked man stalks her from outside her home. From there, endless crimes are unleashed where several students from the same school lose their lives.

The real case that was the inspiration for Wes Craven to bring Scream to life is that of Danny Rolling, known as “the Gainesville Ripper”; this man ended the lives of several students in a period of 4 days in 1990.

He used sharp pointed objects to carry out these terrible attacks.

5. When a stranger Calls (2006)

Jill Johnson, is a young woman who works as a nanny for two children. On one occasion when the couple leaves and leaves the children in her care, everything seems to be calm, however, later, she receives a call from a stranger who seems to observe all the movements she makes. Later, Jill will try to fight for her life and that of the children against that subject.

This film was inspired by the unsolved case of Janett Christman in 1950. A 13-year-old girl who came to the home of a family in Missouri to take care of a small child while the parents went on an engagement, but when the parents returned home they found a horrible scene.

The window was broken and the lifeless body of the young woman was lying on the floor. The police could never discover the culprit, however, this chilling fact became popular to the point of becoming one of the most famous urban legends: “The nanny who is stalked by a stranger”.

6. Zodiac (2007)

Detectives begin to investigate a case about a person who terrorizes the inhabitants of San Francisco, the evil man sends letters and encrypted messages to the newspapers to mock the authorities.

This hair-raising film is based on the famous Zodiac killer who wiped out the lives of many people in San Francisco in the late 1960s. The perpetrator of the crimes confessed in one of the notes that he had taken the lives of 37 people, although only 5 deaths were verified.

7. The Possession (2012)

A girl gets a very peculiar article in a bazaar, it is a mysterious box that when she opens it has creepy objects and some writings in Hebrew.
As the days go by, the girl is possessed by the malevolent inhabitant of the box.

In real life, that evil box exists and is in the museum of the paranormal investigator Zac Bagans, in his past this object caused terrible events to its owners, it is said that it is still haunted, so if you want to see the box, you have to be closed, or sign a responsibility contract if you want it open.

8. Strangers (2008)

The film is about three masked strangers who torment a couple who are staying in an isolated summer house.

His inspiration was the real case of the tragedy that happened in the small town of Keddie, California in 1981, it was one of the scariest crimes in the area, more so because the culprits were never found.

In a rural cabin located in the mountains, the bodies of a mother (Glenna), her son (John) and a friend of his (Dana) were found. However, they failed to find the body of another victim, Tina, Glenna’s daughter and John’s sister. It was not until 3 years later, 84 kilometers from the town, that they found only her skull and some of her bones.

9. Jaws (1975)

About this classic film by Steven Spielberg, it is known that the idea arose from a novel that came to light in 1974, the plot tells of a great white shark that roamed the shores of a town.

However, there are two other facts that prompted the creation of this film; The first was the event that occurred in New Jersey in 1916, where several people lost their lives when attacked by a shark.

The second is for the story of Frank Mundus, because this person talks about how he caught a shark without special equipment.

10. Deliver us from evil (2014)

The plot involves Ralph Sarchie, a police officer who investigates some strange crimes, which seem to be related to demonic possession.

To create this film, director Scott Derrickson drew on the stories of Ralph Sarchie, who was a police chief in New York, as well as being an expert demonologist.

Ralph participated in several exorcisms that led him to write a book where he shares his terrifying encounters with demons and paranormal events.

After learning that these movies are also based on real events, will you be able to watch them?