If you ever see one of these black-eyed children knocking on your door, better not answer

When we see the image of a child, it usually gives us a feeling of tenderness and sometimes we feel the need to protect them… but you would think the same about the black-eyed children? 

In Staffordshire, England, there have been reports of strange creatures that seem to take the form of helpless children, but with a rather creepy vibe to them. These kids look very different from any other infant you’ve ever seen, they have extremely pale skin and somewhat translucent and eerie coal eyes with no iris or pupils. 

Reports of people that have been encountering these beings have increased during 2014, but they have been around for more than 20 years. The first reports of apparitions of these mysterious children, began in the 1980s, they were seen often in groups of two or more, and these children used to approach people’s homes and ask if they could enter. 

In other cases, they also used to approach people who were inside their vehicles, during this year hundreds of similar cases were reported, which began to terrify people question themselves if these were really just very creepy children or something eviler.

Those who have witnessed the presence of these ghost-like children have said that they would feel an overwhelming feeling of dreadness and despair. However, the true reason behind the apparitions of these children remains unknown. 

Although these children have never tried to hurt people, they manage to cause great fear to everyone who comes their way. For example, in 2014, there were some pretty chilling cases reported about apparitions of the black-eyed children: a woman had a terrifying encounter with a black-eyed children in Cannock Chase, Staffordshire, England.

“My daughter and I were walking through Birches Valley when we heard the screams of a young child. I couldn’t tell if it was a boy or a girl, but they definitely seemed in distress and sounded very close to us, so we instantly started running towards the noise. We couldn’t find the child anywhere and so stopped to catch our breath.

That’s when I turned round and saw a girl standing behind me, no more than 10 years old, with her hands over her eyes. It was as if she was waiting for a birthday cake. I asked if she was OK and if she had been the one screaming. She put her arms down by her side and opened her eyes.

That’s when I saw they were completely black, no iris, no white, nothing. I jumped back and grabbed my daughter. When I looked again, the child was gone.”

What would you do if you encounter one of these children?

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