Los 7 secretos más locos de Disney World

¿Sabías que hay un rumor de que Walt Disney está criptoconservado en hielo debajo de las calles de Disney World? Eso es solo una teoría, por supuesto, que ha sido “probada” falsa. Sin embargo, las cosas en esta lista son todo lo contrario. ¡Han sido comprobadas como verdad!

Conoce los 7 secretos que suceden en el “lugar más feliz del mundo”

Patos asados


Disney presentó su espectáculo Fantasmic en la atracción Ríos de América. Durante el espectáculo, un gran dragón que prende fuego al agua.

El espectáculo original tenía patos que se colaban durante el espectáculo y se quemaban lentamente mientras el agua ardía. Al principio, no podían hacer nada, pero después de un tiempo, encontraron una solución. Hicieron burbujear el agua para ahuyentar a los animalitos.

El lugar más letal


Esto puede parecer una exageración, pero ha habido más de 100 perdidas de vidas humanas y lesiones graves en el parque.

Uno de los casos más sonados es el de Dolly, una madre que disfrutaba un recorrido en la montaña rusa, cuando de pronto sintió la necesidad de ver que su hijo estuviera bien en el asiento de adelante, por lo que por un momento se paró en una curva pronunciada y lamentablemente cayó a las vías del tren, donde perdió la vida.

Policía secreta


Si alguna vez has estado en Disneylandia, probablemente hayas notado la ausencia de agentes de la ley. Eso no significa que no haya ninguno. La policía secreta de Disney se esconde en dos lugares.

El primer lugar son los túneles subterráneos, esperando una llamada del personal. El otro es donde menos te lo esperas, paseando por los parques en ropa casual para no alejarse de la magia de los parques de diversiones.

Huesos reales


Se trata de esa atracción de Piratas del Caribe con calaveras sentadas y colgadas por todas partes. Todos estos cráneos son falsos, a excepción de uno.

Un miembro del equipo del parque dijo: “Hay una calavera real, en realidad está en las habitaciones del capitán. Es el cráneo en la cabecera justo encima de la cama. Es el único que conozco que es real, escuché que hay dos más, pero aún no los he encontrado”.

Códigos secretos


Hay muchos códigos secretos en Disney World, si escuchas a alguien decir “25” corre porque se trata de un incendio.

La señal 70 significa: “niño perdido”.

Pero ninguno es tan común como el Código V, los custodios odian escucharlo, pues significa: vómito.

Cenizas por el Parque


No creerías cuántas personas han esparcido las cenizas de un ser querido por el parque. Puede ser desde la cima de su viaje favorito o a través de los Ríos de Luz.

Esto ha ocurrido seguramente cientos de veces, y no se detiene ahora. Parece que todos quieren que sus seres queridos descansen en el lugar más feliz del mundo.

El mundo secreto por debajo del Parque


Debajo de Magic Kingdom se encuentra lo que ellos llaman un sistema de utilidor. Se dice que es el área detrás del escenario de Disney donde solo se permiten miembros del elenco.

Les permite a los trabajadores trasladarse más rápido y “aparecer de la nada” dando un sentido mágico a los personajes. Sin embargo, hay muchas leyendas que rodean estos túneles.

Aquí se lleva a cabo la eliminación de desechos, los servicios de emergencia y los traslados de vehículos blindados llenos de miles de dólares en efectivo, pero ¿qué más podría esconderse debajo del lugar más mágico de la tierra?

Who’s Smile Dog? – The Scary Story Behind The Creepypasta

Get to know about Smile Dog, the story about a curse picture…

Smile Dog is the name of a mysterious file that it’s been on the internet for many years. Nobody knows where it came from nor how it reaches to people. However, there are creepy rumors about those who saw the picture behind the file, have suffered terrible consequences.

The file is known as “Smile.dog,” and it shows the picture of a Husky smiling grimmly inside a dark room. A palm of a hand appearing to be drenched in red, can be spoted. It is said that the picture is so malignant that when you see it, it makes you enter into a state of shock, causing you to lose mental health over time or worse, your own life.

Living through the curse…

One of the best known cases is from Mary E. A woman who had a normal life and was married to a good man. One afternoon, while she was alone, a stranger knocked on the door of her house. When she opened, she only saw a package on the floor. There was no card, name or some way to identify the sender, yet she was still curious and decided to open it.

There was a floppy disk she had to download on her computer to answer her questions. Inside it, there was this file with the name of Smile.dog which opened it just for her to get a disturbing surprise, because it was that weird picture of the smiling dog.

As a consequence, this led her to a dark misfortune. From that moment, things started to change. She could not sleep or think straight, nor even eat because on her mind, there was always that picture of the dog, telling her to “share the picture with others or else you will suffer”. Mary refused to do it, and as time went by, things seemed to get worse and worse because not only she couldn’t stop thinking about it but she could see the picture in every corner of the house.

Her husband was concerned about her wife so he took her to visit some psychologists. However, the whole situation was too much for them that they were unable to help her and advised her a psychiatrist instead. Things went from one extreme to another and Mary was completely losing her mind to the point of completely isolating and shutting herself up for days in her room not able to see his husband’s face directly. No one knew what was going on.

Fifteen years later, Mary E. wrote an email to her psychiatrist. She with complete frustration open up about her feelings after staring at that disturbing picture and how bit by bit was ruining her life. It was the first and last time that she was able to mention about the topic, because she mysteriously lost her life that same day.

There were several testimonies of people who remained anonymous and told about the horrible curse that was persecuting them. It is unknown if they are still alive, though…

The origin of Smile Dog

It is said that the origin began a while ago. There was a 12-year-old girl obsessed with the idea of having a pet, but her parents always denied her such desire. She wished so much to get a pet that she decided to make a drawing that could portray her desired pet which was very similar to a Husky dog, but she imagined it with a huge smile. Excited about her drawing, she decided to take a photo with an instant camera.

But something evil took hold of it and the image in the photo became very gloomy and scary. It was no longer the cute drawing she did. There was something dark on it, a dog with demonic features and hypnotizing eyes. Since then, the girl completely changed. Her obsession grew and she couldn’t stop staring at the picture and hear a voice that called her every day saying “share the image”.

Since then, the picture has been circulating and reaching new victims to drive them crazy until they reach their last day of life. What was known later about the girl was that she completely lost her mind and was admitted to a mental hospital but up until this day, there’s not much known about her anymore.

There are many imitations and anyone can tell since they don’t have the same effect as the real one. The feeling of losing your mind and a severe anxiety that can lead you to lose your life. Though, the original picture may still be somewhere on internet…

Had you heard about Smile Dog before? Would you dare to stare into the real picture?

Dead Man’s Switch – Get Messages From The Afterlife

Have you ever thought about the day of your death? About all the things you would like to say to your loved ones and friends? Maybe you might never have the chance to do so, because at any moment, an accident can happen and all those things would not matter anymore. But what would you think if there could be a chance to say those things after dead?

For some people, receiving an e-mail coming from someone who passed away months ago can be an obvious reason to freak out. There are also some cases which have gone viral on the internet for being such sensitive and displeasant experience.

Nonetheless, the truth could be less supernatural than what people think. That’s the case on this website, Dead Man’s Switch, which could be considered as one of the creepiest sites that exist.

It sends the letters you want your loved ones to receive and in such case of passing away, you get the opportunity to tell them everything you wanted but couldn’t when alive. Sure likely, they will get scared if months after your decease, receive a letter from you, but it’s a great opportunity to express them your thoughts.

The intriguing thing about this is how the website works. Once you make an account, you will be asked to write the letters you want to send along with the email addresses for each one. Once in a while, the website will send you some emails that you should always reply, because that way, you’re notifying that you are still alive. A quite gloomy process, but apparently it works for them.

The moment you stop replying, they will send you three notes to confirm nothing happened to you. The first one will be 30 days later, the second one after 45 days and the last one after 52 days. If you don’t respond to any of those, means the time has come to send the letters you wrote.

The website allows you notify if you won’t be available for a certain time to reply, so that way they don’t send your letters at the wrong time. Since there’s no other way around, you can leave two emails when making an account, but if you want to leave more than two, you may have to pay.

It is quite interesting though, that leaving messages to all your loved ones is now easier than ever. If you leave this world, no one needs to be looking through your stuff expecting to find anything, the letters will be sent automatically. And as you can send good messages to the ones you loved, perhaps you might want to send the opposite too since the letters can be to whomever you want.

If this website caught your attention to write your future posthumous letters, you can go to deadmansswitch.net. It’s either up to you to leave nice messages or end up frightening off someone.

The Dark Story Of Barney You Didn’t Know

Many of us fondly remember the cute purplish dinosaur named Barney, the one who was always willing to help his little friends when they needed him. The show was phenomenal. But maybe some episodes might not have been so innocent as everyone believed. That’s what the other side of the story suggests. There’s this hidden episode where, beyond showing the cute dinosaur we know, looked chilling and devilish.

This rumor was well-known, since several children now adults, share different stories through social media. They declared that they’d been victims of what seemed to be a “harmless Barney DVD”. They said that when reproducing the dvd, it became a really traumatic experience for them.

It was mentioned that the DVD box showed a common picture of Barney along Baby Bop, BJ and Riff with a description that read there were new episodes never seen before. Of course many children fell into the trap, trusting to watch something new and ended up convincing their parents to buy the DVD for them. Though, they never could have imagined that they were about to watch such disturbing scenes that marked them forever.

One of the most horrifying stories, was written by an anonymous young man who told about his experience while watching the DVD.

He said that it was an ordinary day when everything started. He was walking with his mother through a kind of fair. The boy was a big fan of Barney, and saw that in a small stall, all kind of toys and DVDs of the dinosaur were sold. The boy was interested by one in particular, a DVD with “new episodes” and soon convinced his mother to buy him the film.

Once they arrived home, the boy, excited and without wasting any more time, asked his mother for help to play the videotape. She agreed to do it and then left him alone. Everything looked normal, the boy was enjoying each episode included until he considered watching an extra one that seemed very strange.

When he chose the episode, it started just like the other ones with the famous song everyone knows, but suddenly the scenes became a bit bizarre… There was a little girl sitting on her back at the corner and was not close to the dinosaur. The camera then, focused on Barney who looked different. He had a chilling smile and very piercing eyes.

The boy didn’t understand what was happening at that moment but after the camera was focused on the dinosaur for several minutes, desperate cries from frightened children asking for help, could be heard. At that moment, Barney’s song started again but this time backwards.

Later, the scene went completely dark with just a middle red dot turning on and off. A little girl started crying very loudly, wailing and saying how sorry she was. Suddenly, Barney’s laughter began to sound sinister while the girl screamed in horror.

The creepiest thing was that, when the picture on the screen became clear again, the dinosaur could be seen right at the corner where the girl was before, but now without her.

After that, the stage on the next scene was completely destroyed chapter and there were several children lying on the floor with very frightened eyes. Unexpectedly there was a power outage at the boy’s house who was just terrified after watching such traumatic scenes, so he ran to his mother.

The young man ended his story by saying that he woke up that night and realized the power was restored because the television was on and paused in the last scene of before. The only difference was Barney standing in the middle looking towards the camera with a malevolent smile.

The DVD disappeared and never found it back.

This Show On Netflix Is So Scary That Is Compared To The Haunting Of Hill House

Netflix is a platform that is here to stay and has been leaving us completely amazed with its original movies and series. Recently, a new show was released and, due to its high level of horror is compared to The Haunting of Hill House, which is one of the most successful scary series.

The series is called: Typewriter and it’s not that known but it definitely has a huge potential to scare you.

Typewriter, is an indian horror series by director and producer, Sujoy Ghosh. The plot focuses on a haunted house and a book which catch the attention of a group of young students who aspire to be ghost hunters.

It all started when a family moved into a house that was abandoned for a long time. This caused the property to release a huge darkness and unleash chilling mysteries as well as provoking the loss of many lives in town. Only three friends know the truth and are willing to face any danger in order to prove that the evil comes from the house.

According to some reviews from users, the series seems to be a combination between Stranger Things and Scooby Doo, but with a gloomy environment that will make you not wanting to watch it with the lights off.

The season contains lots of tension and chills that will make you jump off the couch and also due to the unexpectedly sounds that can be heard through the episodes. From this series, you can expect all types of scary moments.

The season has only 5 episodes that lasts an hour each and there’s no doubt the series is worth to watch and enjoy at home while in quarantine.

Fans are already looking forward for the second season. They have been constantly demanding to Sujoy Ghosh for more episodes through social media.

As every series, there’s always some negative comments. However there were more reviews with positive comments about the series and many people ended up surprised with how terrifying Typewriter actually is.

Did you already watch Typewriter?

The Ventriloquist Who Used A Child’s Lifeless Body As A Puppet

There are ventriloquists with the talent of making the public smile by making shows with their puppets. Although many of these tend to have disturbing expressions, in the end, they show us symphaty with their funny jokes.

Charlie McCarthy used to be one of them. He was recognized for being a successful ventriloquist in the 20th century, as during his performances, he used to have a rather peculiar puppet. However, things would change when it was discovered that he had a dark secret that he had been carrying for some time.

In 1920, McCarthy became famous in one of his first shows by introducing Edgar, a ventriloquist puppet with quite different characteristics from a normal one. It represented an 8-year-old boy. His complexion was plump and his facial features were very expressive and somewhat chilling, and even though his eyes were made of wood, it could reflect a look of sadness or even evil.

Still, what made McCarthy grow and turn him into a master, was his ability to change his voice in an extremely different way and without showing any facial movement when interpreting Edgar’s voice. This was what got the attention of many people who followed him through his tours.

However, not all people thought the same back then. There were many who were superstitious and started rumors of McCarthy being an apprentice of witchery, since they believed that he used some evil trick to make the puppet speak. This rumor spread so fast that people began banning children from attending to his performances.

People started talking even more about the topic when it was found out that McCarthy, had a strange fascination with the puppet. He used to take care of him as if it was his own son and didn’t allow the public or the work staff to get close to Edgar. He was the only one who could touch and keep him inside his box.

At the end, his career ended one night while McCarthy was touring the United States. When the show was over, he went to the dressing room and locked himself in there for hours. The theater workers realized that he was still inside the place, so they knocked through the door to warn him they were about to close, but McCarthy didn’t answer.

After countless rumors that ran over the star, it was expected that employees feared coming into the room. They decided to call the police thinking the worst. When they arrived and forced the dressing room door, they found something that left them totally in shock…

McCarthy was lying on the ground lifeless, his neck completely destroyed and soaked in red.

After reacting to the terrible scene, the authorities focused on finding Edgar. They thought that some individual had entered into the dressing room in order to take McCarthy’s life and steal the puppet.

But when they found the box and opened it, the puppet was there with a penetrating and chilling gaze that even the officers themselves feared to grab him, but it was necessary to, since they had to carry out the investigation to discover who had caused that horrible tragedy.

While analyzing the puppet, they discovered something even more terrifying. The investigation into McCarthy’s death was interrupted when they found out that Edgar was not actually a puppet but the actual body of a child.

There were fingerprints on the puppet’s fingers and his face was covered with a latex mask to cover his paleness. They couldn’t figure out the identity of that poor boy and the most dreadful thing is that nobody knew how McCarthy got to keep up the body of that innocent.

Charlie McCarthy wasn’t actually a bad person. There’s this theory which mentions he lost his son and after much sadness and being in denial to accept his loss, he decided to keep his body and turn him into a puppet so that way he could live even if this was only during his shows.

Have you heard about this disturbing story before?

3 Other Gruesome Books Similar To Necronomicon

In the Lovecraftian mythology, there’s a very famous book called Necronomicon, which supposedly contains knowledge so beyond the reach of human understanding and just by reading it, will make you lose your mind. But despite being the most known, it’s not the only one. There are at least three other books inside the mythology created by other writers that put together the interesting and plenty Lovecraft universe.

De Vermis Mysteriis

Written by Ludvig Prinn, a Belgian crusader who apostatized in 1271 after being captured by the Arabs. He became interested in magic and educated himself with Syrian warlocks. The man turned 100 and returned to Europe, and the Holy Inquisition sought him out due to rumors about his abilities and ended up being imprisoned. It was in prison where he gathered his wisdom and put it on the book known as De Vermis Mysteriis.

The book consists of 700 pages with 17 chapters on various topics, including knowledge of supernatural beings or ways to communicate with spirits. There’s also a section about a drug that allows time travel and it also contains diagrams for different potions, including a method to extend life.

Unaussprechlichen Kulten

The translation for the title is Nameless Cults or Black book. Supposedly, the author was a certain Friedrich Von Jurzt and it is known that the content of it, was written thanks to the many trips that the author did around the world, getting to know other cults and secret societies which followed some dogma or worshiped ancient deities.

The first edition consisted of 1000 pages, as well as illustrations by the author. It is said it was full of blasphemies against current religions and had encrypted knowledge to prevent anyone from reading the most dangerous texts which included instructions for rituals.

Book of Eibon

This book describes the life of a sorcerer and necromancer in which spells, incatation and summons are included. The first time it appeared was in the novel called, The Lair of the White Worm and it continued showing off in stories like The Haunter of the Dark, The dreams in the Witch House, and others.

It specifically tells about hyperborean culture and technologies, referring to two cities and a species of ape-like beings called voormis, apart from talking about many deities.

Would you dare to read them?

3 AM – Why Is Considered The Devil’s Hour?

Learn about the story behind 3 AM, also known as The Witching Hour, when the dawn is at its darkest moment…

Why 3 AM is a hideous time?

Throughout history, 3 AM has been the time when most paranormal activity has been recorded. It’s the reverse time of Jesus’ death. Between 3 AM and 5 AM, there are different types of ghostly manifestations but there is one specifically that happens at 3:33 AM, which is the demonic rush hour, when demons mock God.

Loud noises, blows or any kind of manifestation that come in groups of three, are an insult to the holy trinity, that is, the father, the son and the holy spirit.

Manifestations at the Devil’s Hour

At 3 AM, the portal between the living and the dead seems to open, in which the spirits that have not resigned themselves to their death, demons or any sinister entity could sneak into our world or even to our own dreams.

It’s during this hideous hour, the darkest time before dawn when many of us have experienced what is known as sleep paralysis, which has been proposed as an explanation for reports of paranormal phenomena like when someone feels a presence of a supernatural malevolent being which immobilizes the person as if sitting on the chest.

This is why some of us wake up at 3 in the morning for no apparent reason because there’s a strong and negative energy in the air and also one of the causes for dogs to howl at dawn. It is said they can see the sorrow spirits pass by.

During this time, people also become more sensitive to the activity of spirits. In fact, demonic possessions are more likely to happen at dawn when the beings from the beyond are stronger and the living are more vulnerable.

Have you experienced paranormal activity at 3 AM?

New Bird Box Sequel Movie Is Confirmed On Netflix

If you are a horror lover and consider yourself a fan of The Bird Box, which was released on Netflix in 2018, this news are definitely for you, as the book’s writer has confirmed his return, so keep reading for more details.

When we thought Bird Box was over, Netflix surprised us with news of an upcoming sequel for the movie. In an interview, the book’s writer, Josh Malerman, confirmed his return, as well as announcing that the movie will follow the same path as his next book: Malorie.

“Malorie starts off at the school for the blind, which is where the movie ends. It advances a couple of years and it will take place 12 years after the events of the first movie. I can’t say much, but I can say it’s in process. Sometimes it is weird all this secret, but I am willing”, Malerman said.

If we recalled, in the first Bird Box movie, the survivors of a post-apocalyptic world, should avoid being face to face with mysterious creatures that take the form of their worst fears and somehow, people can get hypnotized and being control by them.

That is why Malorie (Sandra Bullock) and her two children, seeing that there’s no hope, decide to go on a trip blindfolded by a river where they face terrible dangers. In the end, they manage to get to a school for the blind, which seems to be a safe haven.

Although there are not many details yet about the second part, a good option will be to look into the new book by Josh Malerman, which will be released on July 21st, 2020. In the synopsis, he relates that the story takes place 12 years later, when Malorie’s children are already teenagers.

Malorie finds out that there’s another community of survivors, and upon receiving a list with their names, she realizes that some of them are familiar, so she decides to take another journey that leads her to face many new dangers.

The Bird Box burst to become one of the most viewed movies on Netflix, after the first week of its release. It gained more than 45 million views among users and despite having negative reviews, it received a higher positive score. For the new sequel, it is estimated to get even higher numbers.

The sequel doesn’t have yet a trailer or a release date, this will depend on the platform and for them to start filming. However, fans are very happy about this good news, since they have expressed their interest on their social media about the upcoming movie.

No doubt this film of the horror genre is one to put on my list and to wait patiently for its release date. I definitely won’t miss it out and you shouldn’t either.

Scary Netflix Series Based On Real Life Events That You Can’t Miss!

Netflix has another surprise for all horror lovers, a series that mixes supernatural events with a creepy and mysterious atmosphere…

If you liked series like Dark, Marianne or The Haunting of Hill House, then this one is actually for you because the series has come with great strenght, since it plays with the most common elements of the genre but in a unique way thanks to the plot being based on a legend of a real locality and it will probably make you not get up from the couch.

The Italian series is called Curon and it consists of a seven-episode season.

Curon is a town in Milan where Anna returns with her two children 17 years later, after escaping from a curse that covered the town. Rumor has it that the bells at a bell tower that floats in the middle of a lake, ring from time to time. However, the curious of this is that there are no such bells over, because they were removed from the structure 70 years before.

Everytime this phenomenon occurs, those who heard the chimes, will be victims of an evil that is located at the place, a terrifying legend that Anna witnessed after losing her mother. She returns to confront her fears, but disappears whatsoever and now her children are the protagonists of solving this mystery.

The scariest thing about the series is that not everything is fiction, as the plot hides certain pieces that are real…

Curon is a city that is located in the North of Italy, which is recognized by the bell tower found on the surface of a lake (the same symbolic picture used at the series). The bell tower was part of an ancient Roman church dating back to the 14th century, however it was submerged by water when the government thought it would be very attractive to build a dam for tourists back in the 1950s.

Despite the fact that the villagers were upset and tried to avoid the construction, the authorities didn’t listen to them and continued anyway with the project, even evicting the villagers themselves. This was how Curon became a ghost town totally submerged by water and only the surface of the bell tower is left as a memory.

It is said that the bells were withdrawn before the tower was submerged into water and ever since, during winter nights, the bells rumbling can still be heard.

The Netflix series was released in June and, as expected, it has been a total success thanks to the horror, suspense, mystery used. Together with the elements based on real life, Curon has the perfect combination for you to stay for hours in front of the TV.

If you are a horror lover, you shouldn’t miss this new eerie series brought to you by Netflix…