The gnome found in Girona

Gnomes have existed in the folklore of many cultures for thousands of years, and while in the past centuries they have been condemned to be simply a product of imagination and children’s stories. However, for a long time they were considered real beings, protectors of forests and mines.

One of the oldest mentions of its existence is in a statue that represents its supposed real height. Over time they were attributed a human face and an identical body to ours, but in miniature, as well as a distinctive hat that they wore without fail.

Hard to believe, but in 1989, a photo of a strange being appeared, found in a forest and kept in formalin; Those who captured it claimed that it could be a gnome in its real form.

Two couples were picnicking in a forest around Girona, they played a radio with music as time went by, until suddenly, they heard a shriek that resembled a very sharp laugh.

When they saw the tiny being, he ran away but they caught him. They quickly locked him in a cage and kept him there for a day without eating, because they didn’t know how to feed the strange being. Angel Gordon, a parapsychologist received him in his study, and he was the one who put it in a bottle of formalin, and that’s where the famous photograph was taken.

The creature was about 12 centimeters tall with blue skin and spots on the body. For what was considered a gnome it was because of the protuberance that it presented in the head, because in ancient times, such a peculiar being would surely have been associated with something supernatural, and that protuberance interpreted as a cap, so that the distinctive hat of The illustrations of the gnomes could come from there.

Apart from that, the creature had long ears and a rodent-like mouth, with red eyes and something like a mask on the forehead. He was completely hairless and between his fingers he had membranes, like amphibians, however, like gnome illustrations, his extended limbs had proportions similar to those of a human. So it was a theory quite close to what could be the origin of the legends of the gnomes.

The photos were sent to different pathologists who agreed that it could have two origins. First, that it was a deformity in another animal, which could not be determined. And the other, which could make sense of the gnome theory and at the same time corroborate the unknown state of this animal species.

Some pathologist proposed that it could be an ancient species, that it could be frozen in a very high place, and be there cryogenized until then, that it could make sense with the date of the first mentions of the gnomes in history and the lack of sightings until then.

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