7 Signs that you have found the person you should spend your life with

Sometimes, we find ourselves so caught up looking for love that we easily settle down, and that is something that should never happen. In love, the idea is to find our soulmate.

If you think you may have found the right person forever, but you are not totally sure, look at the following list… If the person who is with you has all these characteristics, then it is your soulmate.

They put you first

For the first time in so long, you have found a person to whom you are a priority, willing to sacrifice many things for you if necessary. This person sees you for who you really are and values you in ways other people have never done.

They understand you

You finally feel that someone understands you, and you understand that person equally. You two simply “understand” each other.

Being with that person is almost too easy

Being with this special person is not as complicated as it has been previously in your other romantic relationships. It feels like being together comes naturally. They deserve each other.

They think the same way as you

You two have so much in common that, to be honest, it’s scary. They say and do things that seem to be synchronized. It is even possible that they are finding each other’s sentences at times.

You trust the person, you really trust

Trusting the other person is essential in any type of relationship. With this person, you have no reason to distrust, and they value the confidence you have. Trust is reciprocal too, you don’t feel that this person will hurt you and you know that you wouldn’t hurt them either.

They give you a feeling of comfort that you have never had before

You feel safe by their side. When they are together, they are certain that even on the most horrible day, everything will be fine. This person makes you happier than you have felt in a long time.

They challenge you to be better

In this life, we should all try to be better. This person inspires you to be the best version of you. You also push them and move forward together to become what you both should be. It is worth mentioning, that this person challenges you, but does not force you. Someone who really loves you will not force you to anything, ever.

Sale libre el hombre que desenterró y convirtió 29 niñas en muñecas siniestras

Un profanador de tumbas que se llevó 29 cuerpos de niñas sin vida y las vistió para su “colección de muñecas” se prepara para andar libre desde un centro psiquiátrico ruso.

Anatoly Moskvin, de 52 años, profanó y momificó a las niñas antes de convertirlas en “muñecas” en Rusia.

Los psiquiatras dijeron que el historiador esta curado desde el año antepasado y sugirieron un tratamiento ambulatorio para Anatoly..


Existen dudas por mantenerlo encerrado por un periodo indefinido, pero como no se ha dictado ninguna nueva orden, Anatoly Moskvin es técnicamente libre de irse a pesar de que muchas personas no están de acuerdo, el profanador de tumbas ha pensado mudarse a Moscú.

La orden que lo retuvo en el hospital ha expirado, provocando el enojo de los padres de las niñas.

Moskvin anteriormente les dijo a las autoridades: “No vuelvan a enterrar a las chicas demasiado porque las reuniré de nuevo cuando esté libre”.


A los padres de las niñas les dijo: “Abandonaste a tus hijas en el frío, las traje a casa y las calenté”.

La idea original para liberarlo se llevo a cabo a pesar del rechazo de los padres de los niñas, sus edades eran entre 3 y 12 años.

Una madre dijo: “Él es incurable. Si es liberado, no puede ser tratado como paciente ambulatorio”. Anatoly mantuvo a su niña durante nueve años en su apartamento mientras su madre, sin imaginarla, llevaba flores a una tumba sin su hija.


La madre también añadió:

“Simplemente dejará de tomar pastillas y, en algún momento, volverá a sus acciones siniestras como prometió”.

“La tuve por diez años, él la tuvo por nueve”.


Moskvin, quien se dice que es un genio, dio varios motivos para su comportamiento macabro.

Dijo que esperaba que la ciencia encontrara nuevas formas de hacer que estas niñas volvieran a la vida, en otra ocasión dijo que deseaba ser un experto en la creación de momias.

También dijo que quería comunicarse con las niñas y les hablaba constantemente mientras vivían en su casa.


El historiador afirmó que seleccionó cuidadosamente qué niñas robar, diciendo: “Me tumbé en la tumba y traté de ponerme en contacto con ella”. Escuché lo que ella dijo. A menudo me pedrían que los sacara a pasear”.

7 Señales de que has encontrado a la persona con la que deberías pasar tu vida

En ocasiones, nos encontramos tan atrapados buscando amor que nos conformamos, y eso es algo que nunca debería pasar. En el amor, la idea es encontrar a nuestra alma gemela.

Si piensas que puedes haber encontrado a la persona indicada para siempre, pero no estás totalmente seguro, mira a la siguiente lista… Si la persona que esta contigo tiene todas estas cosas, entonces es tu alma gemela.

1. Te pone primero

Por primera vez en tanto tiempo, has encontrado a una persona que te pone primero que todo lo demás. Esto no significa que te elija a ti mismo, sino que estaría dispuesto a sacrificar muchas cosas por ti de ser necesario. Esta persona te ve por quien realmente eres y te valora de formas que otras personas nunca han lo han hecho.

2. Te entiende

Por fin sientes que alguien te entiendo, y tú entiendes a esa persona por igual. Simplemente se “entienden” entre sí.

3. Estar con esa persona es casi demasiado fácil

Estar con esta persona tan especial no es tan complicado como lo ha sido anteriormente en sus otras relaciones amorosas. Se siente como si estar juntos viene naturalmente. Se merecen el uno al otro.

4. Piensa de la misma manera que tú

Ustedes dos tienen tanto en común que, para ser sincero, da algo de miedo. Dicen y hacen cosas que pareciera que están sincronizados. Incluso es posible que se encuentren finalizando las oraciones del otro a veces.

5. Confías en la persona, realmente confías en ella

Confiar en la otra persona es esencial en cualquier tipo de relación. Con esta persona no tienes ningún motivo para desconfiar, y esta valora la confianza que le tienes. La confianza es reciproca también, no sientes que esta persona te hará daño y sabes que tampoco lo lastimarías.

6. Te da una sensación de comodidad que nunca antes has tenido

Te sientes seguro a su lado. Cuando están juntos, tienen la certeza que incluso en el día más horrible, todo estará bien. Esta persona te hace más feliz de lo que te has sentido en mucho tiempo.

7. Te desafía a ser mejor

En esta vida, todos debemos de tratar de ser mejores. Esta persona te inspira a ser la mejor versión de ti. También la empujas y salen adelante juntos para convertirse en lo que los dos debían ser. Cabe mencionar, que esta persona te desafía, no te obliga. Alguien que realmente te ama no te obligará a nada, nunca.

5 Toys that were from the devil

During our childhood, one of the things we enjoyed the most, besides going to the park and playing around, was to play with our toys, those old friends who accompanied us when everyone else left. However, some of them would not last forever.

Since suddenly terrible rumors would be spread on television and newspapers saying “our toys were of the devil”, this news forced our parents to throw them away or burn them.


It was the toy we all wanted to have, you could feed it, take it to sleep and it was also a chatterbox. Its intelligence was surprising, although a little creepy, because it had the ability to learn new words, and its interaction with humans made us think it was alive.

But the rumors soon spread that the Furbies were possessed by the devil, came alive at night and sent subliminal messages from hell, and although perhaps it was an invention, it doesn’t sound so crazy to me.

I remember hearing news of children and parents, who reported unusual activity in the toy. Suddenly their Furbies did things for which they were not programmed, having arrived as noble and defenseless dolls, suddenly they were capricious and badly spoken dolls. You could even see expressions of anger on his face, but the phenomenon that gives more credibility to the theory that the Furbies have a soul is that they talked even if they didn’t have batteries.

The Elmo Doll

It is a programmable doll, it was created to say cute and appropriate things for children, but a family would be very scared after changing the batteries to their toy, as he began to say “take James’s life”, James was the owner of the doll.

The child’s mother began to notice a strange behavior in her son because the boy kept talking about his death when she realized that those evil messages that had been sown to her son, came from Elmo. She called the manufacturers Fisher-Price, who found no reason for the evil that lived in the doll.

Yu-Gi-Oh Cards

They say that Satan disguises himself in different ways, in this case it would be in the form of a simple game, which children adore, the religious assure that in the letters of this game there are hidden and subliminal messages that indoctrinate the children for a new era, where the occult reigns.

They claim that Yu-Gi-Oh’s cards are impregnated with the symbolism of the hidden brotherhood “Ordo Templi Orientis”, coming from Freemasonry. Some of these cards most related to the occult, are called “The Fallen Angel”, “Dark Magician”, “Dark Magician Girl”, among others.


Those funny dolls almost never had clothes, but they did have a colorful hair which you could style however you liked, they were known to bring good luck until a dark legend came out, saying they were demonic beings because as well as the goblins, the Trolls are also related to the occult.

It is said that the Trolls can cause a lot of mental and spiritual damage, as some people place their faith on them as a god, as long as these dolls use their magical powers for their benefit. However, the personality of the Trolls is quite possessive and rebellious so paying them back could be troublesome, as the story of a woman who says that the same Troll who granted him to have a child, then wanted to take it away, because he was jealous.


This toy is known for its beneficial results that generate health, as they help reduce stress in an easy and simple way, but on the other side, there is a rumor that the Spinner is the artifact of the devil himself.

A Christian pastor says that when a person takes a Spinner, because of the way they are placing their fingers, they make the sign of the devil, mocking God, and that the “666” mark of the devil is also formed.

Leyendas urbanas que se hicieron realidad

Existen cientos de leyendas urbanas que han sido compartidas a lo lago de los años para atemorizarnos, pero lo impactante es que existen muchas dejaron de ser un simple cuento de terror para convertirse en una escalofriante realidad, aquí te muestro cinco leyendas urbanas que sucedieron en la vida real…

Enterrado con vida

El día de hoy hay varios métodos que existen para asegurarse que la persona difunta se encuentre realmente sin vida antes de su entierro, y todo esto gracias a los inmensos casos que se han presentado sobre gente que ha sido enterrada viva.

Todo esto sucedió desde hace varios siglos. Cuando varios ataúdes eran abiertos después de largos años, la gente se percataba que las cajas donde guardaban los cuerpos presentaban en sus paredes escalofriantes rasguños, al investigar en forma descubrieron que las uñas de los difuntos tenían restos de pintura, a parte de que sus cuerpos estaban acomodados de diferente manera.

Esto hizo que construyeran nuevos ataúdes donde incorporaban un cordón para que la persona viva pudiera tocar una campana que se encontraba en el exterior en caso de estar vivo.

Agua turbia

Existe una aterradora leyenda que cuenta en resumen lo siguiente. Una familia se mudó a una nueva casa, ese mismo día, al abrir la llave del agua descubrieron que ésta estaba negra y aparte tenía un olor fétido. El hombre al investigar más a fondo, revisó sobre la cisterna y lo que encontró fue algo horrible, pues se encontraba un cuerpo humano dentro del él.

En el 2013 ocurrió algo similar, pero dentro del Hotel Cecil en Los Ángeles y la causa fue el cuerpo de Elisa Lam, una joven estudiante que se encontraba dentro de un tinaco.

Gusanos dentro de la cabeza

Esta leyenda urbana es muy famosa entre la sociedad y habla sobre desagradables gusanos viviendo dentro de la cabeza de los humanos, este caso aunque suene extraño se ha presentado un par de veces.

Le sucedió a una mujer de Perú, quien se quejaba sobre fuertes dolores de cabeza que no la dejaba estar tranquila, al hacerse un chequeo médico no descubrían la causa hasta después de hacerse unas radiografías y notar que salían diferentes manchas, estos resultaron ser gusanos vivos.

También le sucedió un caso similar a un hombre, pero en vez de gusanos era una pequeña araña caminar dentro de sus canales auditivos.

Sin un riñón

Esta leyenda ha sido muy popular en todo el mundo, incluso nuestros padres nos advertían de ir a las discos con cuidado de fijarnos en nuestras bebidas, y es que se decía que al descuidarte podían ponerte ciertas sustancias dentro. Lo que conseguían era ponerte en un estado inconsciente para después llevarte a un motel y dejarte dentro de una tina de bañera con hielo y sin un riñón.

Éste caso es real, y se presentó muchas veces en la India, donde muchas personas fueron engañadas al recibir propuestas de trabajo. Al llegar a sus supuestas entrevista eran recibidos con agua que llevaban dentro sustancias para desconectarlos del mundo.

El día siguiente al despertar se encontraban dentro de una bañera sin un riñón menos.

Una sorpresa bajo el colchón

Esta leyenda cuenta que una pareja se hospedó en un hotel. Mientras se instalaban dentro del cuarto podían percibir un horrible olor, que incluso siguió durante la noche y a causa de esto la pareja no podía conciliar el sueño.

Llamaron a recepción para quejarse y que mandaran a alguien que resolviera el problema. Al llegar los del personal de intendencia, descubrieron que el terrible olor provenía de bajo de la cama y al quitar el colchón entre varios, descubrieron algo muy perturbador. Se encontraba el cuerpo sin vida de una niña…

Esta historia por más espeluznante que sea, realmente sucedió en varios hoteles de paso dentro de las Vegas, y no solo de ahí, también en Kansas, Atlantic City, Florida y California

De hecho, en el closet y bajo la cama, son los lugares más populares donde encuentran este tipo de casos.

Así que ya sabes, si decides hospedarte en algún lugar y hueles un olor fétido dentro del cuarto, mejor sal de ahí y reportarlo, o podrías llevarte una terrible sorpresa…

La verdad sobre los trastornos de los personajes “Winne Pooh”

Muchas caricaturas infantiles nos han dejado con la boca abierta al enterarnos de los secretos que guardan. Muchas de ellas con perturbadores mensajes subliminales, otras con historias de origen escalofriantes y unas más con personajes que no son lo que parecen.

Este es el caso de Winnie Pooh, un simpático osito naranja que detrás de su ternura, si prestas atención guarda mucho secretos…

El autor de este libro publicado en 1924, es Alan Alexander Milne, quien se basó en la increíble imaginación de su pequeño hijo Christopher Robin, al jugar con estos personajes donde les dio vida siendo sus “amigos imaginarios”, pero descubramos qué personalidad le dio a cada uno de ellos…

Hay un análisis elaborado de estas personalidades y son muy semejantes a las personas que llevan una vida con trastornos.


Empecemos por el protagonista, el adorable osito tiene una adicción incontrolable por la miel, este personaje se asemeja con el trastorno alimentario, quiere decir que come alimentos de manera compulsiva y por consecuencia a esto tiene trastornos de obesidad, que de hecho se puede observar en la imagen de Winnie.


Padece de narcolepsia, un trastorno que se caracteriza por tendencias del sueño anormales, o más bien a dormir gran parte del día. Burro ha demostrado ser un símbolo negativo y esto se vincula a los pacientes que sufren de depresión, sus características son similares a las del personaje; tristeza, melancólico y pesimista.


Es representado con el trastorno por déficit de atención con hiperactividad, en este caso los pacientes han demostrado ser impulsivos, inquietos e hiperactivos como lo suele ser este simpático tigre.


Es otro de los personajes donde según los estudios muestran que lleva un trastorno de ansiedad generalizada, es la razón por la cual su comportamiento muestra siempre siendo extremadamente nervioso y preocupado ante cualquier situación.


Posee el trastorno de personalidad narcisista, es un trastorno mental el cual las personas tienen un sentido exagerado de su propia importancia, relaciones conflictivas y una carencia de empatía por los demás. Búho alardea de ser el más inteligente del grupo, a parte de su continua admiración a si mismo, pues tiene la idea de ser perfecto.


Lleva el trastorno obsesivo-compulsivo, una de las características que muestra es la obsesión por las reglas y el orden, a veces irritable si alguien ensucia su jardín. También tiende a repetir su rutina a diario, lo que se compara con este trastorno ya que se muestran comportamientos repetitivos e indeseables que los impulsan a hacer algo varias veces.

La verdad es que si nos ponemos analizar a detalle estos personajes, al final nos daremos cuenta que cada uno tiene exactamente las mismas características que las personas con trastornos, a pesar de esto no quita el hecho de que Winnie Pooh, es y será uno de mis personajes favoritos en la infancia.

The true story of “The Blair Witch Project”

The legend is born in a town called “Blair” in the year 1785, when some children are invited by an old woman to their house, where each one of them, she took a little blood; After this, the children said to their parents about the elderly Elly Kedward, and they thought she was witch and tied her to a wheelbarrow to take her deep in the forest, where she would leave this world slowly.

It is not known if the witch lost her life or returned from the beyond to take revenge, but a year after she was abandoned in the forest, all the accusers and half of the town’s children disappeared to never be found, the inhabitants who were still in the town, they fled for fear of a curse.

In 1824, without knowing that the misfortune lived in those lands of Blair, new inhabitants arrived to found a new town called “Burkittsville”, which had the same damn destiny as the previous one, since soon afterwards the villagers were witnesses of paranormal manifestations It was said that a pale hand came out of a river, in the same river as Ellen Treacle, a 10-year-old girl disappeared after she had submerged.

Several decades later, in the year 1886, another girl disappears, and although the girl appeared a few days later, some of those who were looking for her didn´t run with the same fate, the members of one of the search team disappeared for a few days appeared Lifeless and placed in the form of a pentagon.

Some years later, in the year 1941 mysteriously 8 children disappear in the village, and months later the hermit Rustin Parr in his madness shouts in a market: “I am done, I am finally done”, The man confessed that he had finished with 7 of the children and made a grave for each child in his cabin in the forest, only the boy Kyle Brody who watched all survived (unfortunately Kyle could not overcome those 2 horrible months, after being released he was admitted to a psychiatric hospital), the hermit He blamed Blair’s witch, for he says she ordered it.

At present, the inhabitants of the town warn that people entering the forest are at their own risk.

New photo reveals what “Bird Box” creatures look like

If there is a movie that is recently in everyone’s mind, it is Bird Box. This movie by Susanne Bier’s is an amazing adaptation from Josh Malerman’s popular novel.

It tells a post-apocalyptic story of a woman struggling to survive “after a sinister presence leads most of society to end their own life,” offering a quite nerve-wracking and exciting journey with some fantastic performances.


However, given that these monsters actually play an important role in the movie, these are not seen or shown directly in any scene, the reason why many people wonder what they look like and how they could be.

And although the decision to never show these monsters was probably a correct choice in the end, even if it is shown to be a bit controversial for fans, it has not prevented people from imagining what they would look like.

But now, we do not have to imagine more, since the special effects studio SFX Atlas has released the following photo that gives the world a pretty good idea of ​​the design that was going to be used since at one time the filmmakers planned to reveal them on screen.


A while ago, Sandra Bullock talked about the decision to show the creatures and said that when she first saw the design, it made her laugh.

“It was a green man with a horrible babyface. He was like a snake, and I said,” I don’t want to see him when it appears for the first time. Just bring it to the room. Let’s continue to the scene. I turn and he’s there [growling at me.] It’s making me laugh. He was just a long, fat baby. “


While we are sure that the spectators would not have laughed once all the VFX and post-production tweaks had been made in the creature’s design, it was a smart decision to keep the mystery intact and not show what these monsters really do…

What do you think? Would you have liked to have seen the creatures in Bird Box? Or are you happy they never showed up?

The terrifying origin of Peppa Pig

“Peppa Pig is a hit with kids because of its cute and cuddly characters, that’s why parents allow their children to have fun watching Peppa. However, if they knew the dark legend behind this animated series, they would ban it completely…

Legend has it that many years ago, on a small farm lived a family who raised pigs and then sold their meat to the village butchers. In reality, this family consisted of only two members, Mr. Smith, and his little daughter Peppa Smith. Since Peppa’s mother was locked up in prison for trying to end her husband’s life, in the presence of the child.

Despite the terrible episode that Peppa lived through, she was a sweet and obedient child with her father, she liked to help with the breeding, so much so that every morning she went out happily to feed the piglets and then clean them and play with them. She was so affectionate that she had four favorites;

A huge, robust male who couldn’t see very well, a female who could only have two offspring, one of these offspring didn’t do the typical “oink” like the other animals, but rather grunted like a dinosaur, and the other offspring was very big like the father.

In her spare time, Peppa used to draw pictures and one day she came up with the idea of drawing one with chalk on the wall of the barn. She drew a forest, and inside it, a family of little pigs dressed in T-shirts and dresses. On top of each member she placed their names which were…

Mama Pig, next to her was George, who was wearing a dinosaur cuddly toy because he likes to growl like them. Then there was Papa Pig with his glasses because he couldn’t see well, and at the end Peppa Pig, which looked just like her because it was its favorite. She was so happy with her artwork that she immediately looked for her father to show it to him, but when Mr. Smith arrived he grabbed her by the hair and started to yell at her.

“Spoiled child! How many times do I have to tell you not to get attached to those pigs? This morning I fixed the grinding machine and I’ll start the meat production again. Those animals you drew on the wall, just this morning I decided to get rid of them and sell them to the butcher.”

Hearing what her father was saying to her, she burst into a loud cry full of pain, but her father didn’t care, he even ordered his daughter to grind up waste to feed the pigs while he was busy ending the life of Peppa’s favorite pig.

Peppa was very upset and still obeyed her father. She turned on the shredder and put the waste into a bucket, then climbed a ladder and, being at the top, gradually overtook the contents of the bucket.

But suddenly the machine began to make a sound as if something was stuck inside the gears and Peppa decided to look a little closer to find out what the cause was. Unfortunately, something went wrong and the ladder moved, poor Peppa fell into the machine…

When the father arrived in a hurry because of Peppa’s heart-rending screams, it was too late because he found only one terrible scene, the walls and floor completely covered with Peppa’s waste.

Mr. Smith’s grief was so deep when finding his daughter in such a condition that he decided to join his little girl in the afterlife. The next morning he was found in the barn leaning against the wall under the picture his little girl had drawn.

Some time later, it is rumored that the drawings were used by the creators of the Peppa Pig cartoon, regardless of the sad story that has been dragging on…

Mom freaks out when her 4-year-old reveals that he is the reincarnation of her unborn baby

One mother has shared the shocking moment where her four-year-old son remembered when he lost his life BEFORE he was born.

Laura Mazza, writing on Instagram, told how Luca said he died in his “belly” and became an angel. The Australian mother said that unfortunately before Luca was born, she lost a baby spontaneously, but soon after as a blessing, Luca arrived.

“I knew that Luca had walked this earth before. I could only see the way he looked, “As if he was a small man, he has always been wise and said some really funny things, he sang some old songs that he wouldn’t have heard in his four years of life”.

“But tonight, in the bathroom, he said something that really surprised me and made me really believe that he’s an old soul.” He said, “I lived in your belly… I was there, but then I left.”

Laura kept asking Luca what he meant… and was surprised by his answer. He said, “No, Mom, I came to your belly and then I stopped living; I went looking for you but I couldn’t find you, I went to your house, I went everywhere, but you couldn’t hear me when I called you; then I was sad, but then I became an angel. “I missed you, so I wanted to come back to you, so I became a baby in your belly and then I was born again.

“Now I’m happy, I’m your baby again and I’m happy that I can grow up now.” Laura explained how, when she heard Luca’s story, she burst into tears. “I just looked at him and cried. Our babies know who they want their mothers to be long before we know they exist,” she concluded.

“This is proof that they truly choose us and their souls are always with us in this life or the next,” said the blessed mother.